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This study reports on experience acquired during the care of patients who could not participate in surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy because of the extent of the primary, recurrent or metastatic tumour, or because of the deterioration of the general condition or (in the event of recurrence), intervention with a curative aim could not be performed for the mentioned reasons. In these cases, improvement or preservation of the quality of life is the fundamental goal to be achieved at all times, for these patients must receive the best possible supportive treatment for the remainder of their lives, Unfortunately, the quaranteeing of this often tends to become mainly a financial question rather than a professional one. The medical staff has very little chance to influence the financial aspects, and must therefore do everything possible to ensure the highest possible level of care during hospitalization. Attention is drawn to the significant roles to be played by the family, the family doctor, the various home-care services and the hospice.