Mymensingh medical journal : MMJ
Observational Study
Acute Effects on Heart Rate Variability during Slow Deep Breathing.
Slow deep breathing is known to modulate cardiovascular control and is a used in many ancient breath control practices like pranayama. The changes in Heart Rate Variability (HRV) during a less known form of Slow Deep Breathing (SDB) with equal counts of inhalation, holding and exhalation are not well documented. This study analyses the changes during such a slow deep breathing pattern with less than 4 breaths per minute on HRV. ⋯ Practice of pranayama naturally slows the breathing, which in turn makes the heart calmer and calmer as demonstrated by a statistically significant decrease in heart rate after five minutes of SDB. Transient and rapid excitation of cardiovascular system during SDB suggests that the multiple regulatory mechanism at play like mechanical coupling, baroreflex and central mechanisms. Slow yogic breathing (pranayama) may serve as a physiologic method to draw upon cardio-vagal reserve and regular practice of these manoeuvres may beneficially affect cardiovascular autonomic regulation in health and in various cardiovascular diseases.
The Left internal mammary artery (LIMA) is considered the conduit of choice for the surgical treatment (CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting) of Coronary artery disease (CAD) due to its superior long term potency than the other conduits. Sequential anastomosis with the LIMA in CABG increases the number of arterial graft and more completeness the arterial revascularization. To increase the number of arterial graft and improved long term potency, an alternative technique is sequential anastomosis of LIMA to Diagonal (D) & left anterior descending artery (LAD) and LIMA-LIMA "Y" Graft play a vital role in patients with tight proximal lesion. ⋯ All the patients underwent postoperative NYHA class evaluation at 3-6 months follow up & found normal and none of the patients suffered for angina. Revascularization with skeletonized sequential LIMA anastomosis to D, LAD & LIMA-LIMA "Y" graft is a safe, feasible with improve overall long-term potency and reproducible alternative in the presence of severe proximal LAD lesion to the complete revascularization of the anterior& lateral myocardial wall. Long term follow-up with coronary angiogram is essential to recommend this technique as standard one.
Femoral fractures are frequent in the pediatric population. Treatment options are based on the patient's age, fracture pattern, type of trauma and associated soft tissue injury. The traditional treatment method for pediatric femoral shaft fracture has been traction and spica casting. ⋯ Radiological union was achieved at an average of 10±2.3 weeks (8-15 weeks). The results were excellent in twelve patients (60%), successful in five (25%) and poor in three patients (15%) as per the scoring criteria for TEN. The effective treatment of diaphyseal fractures of the femur is intramedullary fixation by titanium elastic nailing in patients of the 6-16 years age group.
No Abstract.
The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection is very high in Bangladesh. Chronic gastritis due to H. pylori is commonly associated with important gastric diseases such as peptic ulcer diseases or gastric carcinoma and MALT-oma. The natural course of chronic gastritis is HP-associated antral gastritis or pangastritis or rarely atrophies. ⋯ In this study, H. pylori genotype -cagA, vacA-s1, s2, m1, m2 allele and histological grading of chronic gastritis according to updated Sydney system of classification is identified. This study will identify the genotypes associated with severe gastritis in our country and thereby help us to take appropriate preventive measure. Further study with larger sample size may be carried out to establish proper association between different genotypes and parameters of chronic gastritis.