Anales otorrinolaringológicos ibero-americanos
An Otorrinolaringol Ibero Am · Jan 2004
Review Case Reports[Cochlear-vestibular ototoxicity by gentamicin. Report of a case and literature review].
Gentamicin is an antibiotic member of the aminoglycosides family with well known potential to cause permanent ototoxicity by damaging more likely the cochlea vestibular system. We are reporting the clinical case of a 48 year-old female who was treated with such IV drug because of abdominal surgery. ⋯ After the withdrawol of gentamicin, the vestibular pathologic symptoms but not the hearing loss had improved, docummented by the persistance of the audiometric decay in the acute frequencies. Prevention is the best way to avoid iatrogenic lesions with thesse climps.
An Otorrinolaringol Ibero Am · Jan 2004
Case Reports[Rhinocerebral mucormycosis: differential diagnosis of invasive fungal sinusitis].
Mucormycosis is an opportunistic infection caused by molds Mucoraceae of the family Phycomycetes. This invasive FS is found in debilitated hosts, most frequently in patients with hematologic malignancies, burn patients and diabetes mellitus. There are several differents forms: rhino-cerebral, pulmonary or disseminated. We describe a case of invasive fungal sinusitis (FS): Rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis, treated at our hospital with radical surgery and medical treatmen We reviewed the clinical presentation of the different types.