The British journal of ophthalmology
The efficacy of different techniques of facial nerve block for cataract surgery was investigated. Forty four patients underwent either modified O'Brien, Atkinson, van Lint, or lid blocks. Intentional muscle activity of the orbicularis oculi muscle was recorded and the area under the EMG curve calculated for quantitative comparison of muscle activity between the groups before and after injection of lignocaine with the vasoconstrictor naphazoline nitrate. ⋯ The lid block, on the other hand, affected terminal branches of the facial nerve's temporal division. In this study, complete lid akinesia was achieved by both the modified O'Brien block and the lid block. However, because the modified O'Brien block involves the risk of neural injury to the facial nerve or its main divisions, the lid block is recommended as the most effective and safe method to achieve akinesia of the orbicularis oculi muscle.
Review Case Reports
Ectopia lentis et pupillae syndrome in three generations.
In nine members from three generations and in a distant relative, at least three significant characteristics of the ectopia lentis et pupillae syndrome were established including ectopia lentis, ectopia pupillae, persistent pupillary membrane, iris transillumination, and poor pupillary dilatation. All patients developed bilateral cataract before the age of 40 years, and two patients presented with intermittent acute intraocular hypertensive crises. ⋯ Pedigree analysis yielded arguments in favour of an autosomal dominant inheritance with reduced penetrance. A biochemical correlation was not identified.