Panminerva medica
Retrospective analysis of data obtained from 161 patients with ocular hypertension who performed the CET in 1980, and were subsequently followed to see whether they developed OAG. CET was performed always in the morning Eyelids were closed by bandaging for 1 h in a quiet environment, with the patient seated and not sleeping. IOP was measured again 8 to 10s after opening the eyelids. ⋯ Eyelid closure for 60 minutes results in a net elevation of IOP the extent of which depends on the balance between the increase of aqueous humour secretion and its outflow. Therefore, the CET may discriminate individuals with a normal outflow from individuals with a less functional outflow, which are evidently those at a higher risk of developing glaucoma.
A 16-years-old boy has developed subepithelial infiltrates and an epidemic keratoconjunctivitis from adenovirus in both eyes. Clinical case was analyzed by confocal microscopy (40x mode, Nidek ConfoScan 4) before and after administration of topical cyclosporine. ⋯ The confocal microscopy performed on the surface of the stroma before and after treatment with cyclosporine suggests the presence of a localized immune activation in subepithelial layer.
The Lady Prelox® and placebo control groups were comparable at inclusion with regard to the total Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) score, as well as for the six individual FSFI domains, with 40 women (50.1±3.1 years) and 43 women (51.2±2.3 years), respectively. RESULTS:At baseline the women in the verum group presented with a mean total FSFI score of 44.6±24.1 which increased significantly already after four weeks treatment with Lady Prelox® to 70.9±18.5 and further increased to 71.7±23.9 after completion of the eight-week trial period. In the control group the mean total FSFI was 44.1±22.8 at inclusion and non-significantly increased to 45±21.4 after four weeks and 47.4±21.8 after eight weeks, respectively. The treatment with Lady Prelox® was comparatively significantly more effective than placebo after both four and eight weeks of treatment (P<0.05). The individual six FSFI domains related to desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction and pain did all respond favourably to treatment with Lady Prelox®; however, with only marginable higher scores in the placebo group. Four women in each group dropped out because of inabilities to attend scheduled check-ups. No adverse effects were reported. ⋯ This study opens an interesting perspective for women experiencing moderate sexual function impairment and suggests a promising new treatment option. Further studies with larger numbers of women, including also premenopausal and perimenopausal women are warranted.
Guanosine has been reported to exert neuroprotective effects. We recently reported that, following intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection to rats, it resulted to be widely distributed. Its metabolic product guanine also rapidly increased in all the tissues, including brain, after i.p. injection of guanosine and consistently we found a significant enzymatic activity of a soluble purine nucleoside phosphorylase in the plasma of the treated animals. ⋯ Moreover the nucleobase was able to rescue the memory trace also when administered after training. Neither guanosine nor guanine had effects on locomotor activity. These results indicate that guanine can exert important biological activities which may be different from those mediated by its precursor guanosine, thus this evenience should be taken into account when the biological effects of guanosine are evaluated.
X-linked Retinoschisis is a bilateral retinal disease with a recessive X-linked inheritance, characterized by a macular involvement. Maculopathy consists of bilateral star-shaped microcystic changes. Peripheral retina is sometimes involved with schisis. ⋯ OCT images showed a separation of neurosensorial retina that coincided with classical histopathological findings. Examination results were correlated with clinical examination and compared with ERG findings. OCT images underline an increase of retinal thickness with a separation in the nerve fiber layer in the foveal space.