Przegla̧d epidemiologiczny
The major causes of deaths among preschool children are injuries and poisoning. Among the injuries, the most frequent are road accidents and accidents on farms. We may also find health and life risks to preschoolers in homes and education centres. ⋯ The research took place in January and February 2011 with the use of questionnaires prepared in-house The analysis of the results indicated that most teachers (84% of respondents) had participated in the first-aid training courses. The teachers with job seniority below 10 years and those between 11 and 20 years' seniority took part more often in the first-aid training courses than the respondents with seniority above 20 years (p=0,02). Respondents, in most cases, assessed their knowledge of first aid at grade 3 (in a continuum from 1 to 5) (42% of respondents)--the average grade was 2.98 +/- 0.97.
Rickettsia slovaca was recognized as the causative agent of the disease named tick - borne lymphadenopathy (TIBOLA) or Dermacentor spp.- borne necrosis - erythema lymphadenopathy (DEBONEL). Generally, this ricketsiosis is considered a mild disease but the disease is considered a mild rickettsiosis, but severe symptoms can appeare, especially in untreated patients. ⋯ Milium on the scalp behind the ear concha, was a probably scar formation associated with typical eschar. The diagnosis was confirmed by detection of 128 titer in MIF tests with R. rickettsii and R. slovaca antigens and four-fold decrease after treatment.
In 2009, as compared with the previous year, was the rise in cases of syphilis by 36%, gonorrhea by 35%, for genital warts by 41%. Congenital syphilis was diagnosed in 13 children, and syphilis in pregnancy or childbirth were found in 69 women. Still the number of screening serological tests for syphilis decreases, resulting in reduced detection of asymptomatic cases of the disease.
The measles elimination goal in European Region should be reached by the target date of 2010. Measles elimination in Europe is achievable as demonstrated by countries that have maintained high vaccination coverage against that disease and have been free of indigenous measles for several years. However, suboptimal vaccination coverage against measles mumps and rubella (MMR) in parts of European Region threatens to delay measles elimination. This report summarizes the significance of epidemiological studies for progress of measles elimination.
Many cases of swine flu is mild or even asymptomatic. The recent cases have been much more severe, and many patients have presented pneumonia, respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Illness-related fatalities have been recorded among individuals hospitalized in The Hospital For Infectious Diseases in Warsaw, Poland. There were 109 patients (age: 17-71y), with A/H1N1 infection confirmed by PCR. In this article have shown cases of H1N1 influenza - related complications. We observed bacterial superinfections associated with swine flu, ARDS and shock syndrome, secondary bacterial pneumonia and neurological complications. Severe hypoxemia, multilobar pneumonia, and dramatic signs and symptoms progression, were reported in 8 individuals. All patients required admission to intensive care unit and the mechanical ventilation. One patient died due to ARDS and encephalitis. Many people have experienced risk factors, e.g.: asthma, sarcoidosis, or chronic bronchitis and other pulmonary illness. One patient after renal transplant with immunosuppressive therapy recovered, as well as two patients with chronic lymphatic leucaemia in remission. Two woman with clinically-relevant obesity have developed rapid progression of respiratory insufficiency and were still on mechanical ventilation. Influenza A/H1N1 were observed in 10 pregnant women, without co-morbidities. Three of them developed interstitial pneumonia. Consequently pregnant women with confirmed pandemic A/H1N1 infection received treatment with oseltamivir. ⋯ Among 109 hospitalized individuals with A/H1N1 infection, eight (7%) developed severe pulmonary complications, and one of this patient died. The risk factors of progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have all of this group patients.