The British journal of clinical psychology / the British Psychological Society
Parental appraisals of an adolescent may have an effect upon the adolescent's well-being and likelihood of emotional problems. However, the impact of these parental appraisals is likely to be partly determined by the young person's self-appraisal. It was predicted that a discrepancy in self- and parent appraisals of positive, prosocial qualities would be associated with an increased risk of emotional problems. ⋯ Clinicians should be aware that the association between parental perceptions of a child's prosociality and emotional disorder may be influenced by the adolescents' self-perceptions. Clinicians should therefore endeavour to assess both parental and adolescent appraisals. Discrepancies may be clinically meaningful, in terms of the risk of emotional problems, rather than simply being a nuisance. This study is cross-sectional, so although discrepancies may be linked to risk of emotional problems, the direction of this effect requires elucidation. The current study only focusses on the parent-adolescent dynamic and so may not extend to discrepancy effects in other areas of positive functioning or in other relational contexts.
The relationship between Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) has been the subject of interest for some time due to the historical assumption that OCPD causes OCD. This study systematically examined the association between OCD and OCPD in terms of prevalence and clinical presentation. The specificity of the association between OCD and OCPD was investigated relative to another axis I anxiety disorder (Panic disorder). ⋯ There may have been a sampling issue, as the study compared patients from a specialist clinic for the treatment of OCD and Panic disorder. Furthermore, OCD referrals were primary, secondary, or tertiary, whereas Panic disorder referrals were primary or secondary from the immediate catchment area only. This suggests the possibility of greater severity of the OCD sample relative to Panic disorder patients. All participants who met criteria for OCD were assessed for OCPD regardless of whether or not this was indicated by the SCID II screener self-report measure, while participants with Panic disorder were interviewed for OCPD only if indicated by the SCID-II screener. Had participants with Panic disorder been assessed for OCPD regardless of whether or not this was indicated by the SCID-II screener, there is a possibility that a higher rate of OCPD in the Panic disorder sample may have been found.
This study explored specific and differential effects of metacognitive beliefs on proneness to both hallucinations and delusions in a general population sample, including a control for the alternate symptom. The study then examined whether similar findings were reproduced in a sample of people with psychotic disorders. ⋯ Consistent with existing literature on metacognitions in psychosis, this study adopted a cross-sectional design, meaning we were unable to determine the causal direction of the observed associations between metacognitive beliefs and symptom-proneness. Although a strength of this study design was its control for alternate psychotic symptoms, we did not control for non-psychotic symptoms, particularly, anxiety and depression. The symptom measures used were developed primarily for assessment of psychosis-proneness within the general population; thus, their use by people with established psychosis may have been less sensitive to clinical manifestations of these phenomena.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Exploring change processes in compassion focused therapy in psychosis: results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial.
Compassion focused therapy (CFT) was developed to stimulate capacities for soothing and affiliation to self and others as a way to regulate the threat system. This feasibility study aimed to assess the safety, the acceptability, the potential benefits, and associated change processes of using group CFT with people recovering from psychosis. ⋯ Compassion focused therapy appears as a safe, acceptable, promising, and evolving intervention for promoting emotional recovery from psychosis.
OBJECTIVES. Dissatisfaction with services has been associated with poorer child mental health outcomes, early treatment termination as well as disagreements over the nature of mental health difficulties, reasons for referral and therapy goals. The development of straightforward, reliable, and accurate methods of eliciting service users' views is essential within child and adolescent mental health care. ⋯ CONCLUSIONS. The ChASE is a short, psychometrically robust tool for routine measurement of children, and young people's experience of mental health services, which users can complete easily. The results underline the importance of alliance factors to children and young people and their association with clinical improvement as well as the potential for the ChASE to be used a measure of children's therapeutic progress and alliance.