Progress in neurological surgery
Radiosurgery is a minimally invasive technique designed to elicit a specific radiobiologic response at the target tissue using focused ionizing radiation delivered in single procedure. Radiosurgery was originally devised to treat intracranial lesions by delivering a high dose of radiation precisely at the intracranial target using stereotactic guidance. The term was coined and the field defined by Lars Leksell, a visionary leader of neurosurgery at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. ⋯ The long-term results of radiosurgery are now available and have established it as an effective noninvasive management strategy for many brain disorders. Radiosurgery is now considered a mainstream neurosurgical modality for treatment of vascular malformations, tumors, trigeminal neuralgia, movement disorders, and perhaps epilepsy. Its role as a tool for spine and body surgery is also under evaluation.
One of the earliest indications for Gamma Knife treatment, radiosurgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformations, has stood the test of time. While initially only the ideal cases (small, compact nidus in a non-eloquent site) were chosen, increasingly larger, more complex AVMs were treated. Combination treatment with embolisation and surgery enables most lesions to be treated with success and remarkably low complication rate. This paper is a brief overview of the experience gained in Sheffield.