Advanced biomedical research
Cesarean section is a major operation that can be the predictor of postoperative pain and discomfort and, therefore, providing the effective postoperative analgesia is an important factor to facilitate sooner movement of the patient, better care of infants. The aim of this study was to determine the preventive effect of ilioinguinal nerve block on pain after cesarean section. ⋯ Control of pain after cesarean as one of the most common factors for abdominal surgery will lead to decrease the staying of the patient in hospital, reduce morbidity and lower use of narcotics and analgesics after surgery.
Preoperative airway assessment tests have been presented to help in anticipating a difficult airway. We conducted this study to compare five methods in prediction of difficult laryngoscopy: Neck circumference (NC), NC to thyromental distance ratio (NC/TMD), the ratio of height to thyromental distance (RHTMD), upper lip bite test (ULBT) and Mallampati test (MMT). These five methods are the most commonly used ones and have different powers for it. It was not clear which of these methods predicts difficult laryngoscopy better. ⋯ RHTMD and ULBT as simple preoperative bedside tests have a higher level of accuracy compared to NC/TMD, TMD, NC, MMT in predicting a difficult airway.
The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) after middle ear surgery is high. In this study we want to compare the effects of intravenous granisetron and oral gabapentin as a premedication before surgery on the incidence and severity of PONV after middle ear surgery in adult patents. ⋯ The study was shown that using gabapentin and granisetron have equal anti-emetic effects, but significant differences were seen between these two groups compared to the control group. These submit the efficiency of these drugs in preventing PONV.
There is no agreement about the effect of adding opioids to local anesthetics in peripheral nerve blocks. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of adding different opioids with equipotent doses of lidocaine in axillary brachial plexus block using ultrasonography and nerve locator guidance. ⋯ In the upper extremity surgeries performed under axillary brachial plexus block addition of morphine or pethidine to lidocaine may be superior to other opioids (i.e. fentanyl and buprenorphine) due to better quality and quantity of motor blockade and faster onset of the block.
Shivering associated with spinal anesthesia is a common complication. It also causes more usage of oxygen, increased production of carbon dioxide (CO2), and lactic acidosis with movement of clots and bleeding after surgery. This study was performed to compare the different dosages of intrathecal meperidine and their effects on shivering during and after surgery and to compare these to the control group. ⋯ Using higher dosage of intrathecal meperidine (0.3 mg/kg) was more effective than using lower dosage of meperidine (0.1 mg/kg and 0.2 mg/kg) in reducing the incidence and severity of shivering during spinal anesthesia in lower extremity orthopedic surgeries.