Cancer practice
The inclusion of spiritual well-being in healthcare assessments can provide insight into patients' needs and coping resources. This study explored the relationship between spiritual well-being and quality of life (QOL) in gynecologic oncology patients in an attempt to clarify the significance of spiritual well-being in the assessment process. ⋯ Health professionals do not generally assess spiritual well-being in their evaluations of patients' needs. The findings from this study support the inclusion of spirituality as part of routine patient assessment and intervention. Clinical intervention that would increase a patient's level of spiritual awareness and his or her level of comfort associated with a personal perspective on death could help decrease the patient's level of psychosocial distress. Despite the medical establishment's bias to the contrary, religion and spirituality are positively associated with both physical and mental health and may be particularly significant to terminally ill patients. The curricula of medical, nursing, and other health schools should be redesigned appropriately.