Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomia
G Ital Med Lav Ergon · Jan 2009
Comparative StudyQuality of life impact as outcome in burns patients.
Severe burns have not only physical but also psychological consequences both during and after hospitalisation. By identifying the mainly impaired areas of a patient's quality of life (QoL), specific psychological support programmes can be provided. The assessment of subjectively perceived QoL impairment can also provide an indicator of the outcome of the medical and psychological treatment. ⋯ Multidisciplinary support for burn patients appears to be necessary even many months after hospital discharge.
G Ital Med Lav Ergon · Jan 2009
Multicenter Study[Correlation between job satisfaction and stress factors, burn-out and psychosocial well-being among nurses working in different healthcare settings].
The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and the causing factors of job dissatisfaction in three subgroups of nurses working in different context: i) hospital wards for acute patients, ii) units for long-term patients, and iii) home care for chronic patients. An anonymous, self report questionnaire was used, composed by socio-demographic, burnout, stress and psychosocial (INRS) standardized variables. A specific summarizing item was also employed to evaluate the perception of job satisfaction. ⋯ On the contrary, a high work degree of work involvement (OR: 0.37; CI: 0.14-0.97; p < 0.05) resulted to be a protective factor respect to job disaffection. These findings suggest that changes that have been occurring in the last years in the social conditions and in health organization in Italy can deeply influence the degree of job satisfaction among the nurses. In order to improve the analysis of the welfare state of the health workers, more effective methods of analysis should be used, in addition to the questionnaires.
G Ital Med Lav Ergon · Jan 2009
Comparative Study[Firearms related suicide/homicide rate among the security guards population in Italy].
The main aim of this study is evaluating the suicide/homicide rate of the Italian security guards population compared to other armed and general populations during a recent period. ⋯ The rate of suicide and homicide among the Italian security guards population was higher than the suicide/homicide rate in the general population. These results show that the phenomenon we have described needs attention and specific prevention activities.
G Ital Med Lav Ergon · Jan 2009
[Perceived job strain, anxiety, depression and musculo-skeletal disorders in social care workers].
This study explored the relationship between individual characteristics, physical and psychosocial work-related risk factors and the musculoskeletal pain among non-specialized personnel working in different kinds of social care. ⋯ The results of the present study indicate that both low and upper back complaints and neck complaints are major health problems in social care workers. Musculoskeletal disorders seemed to be related both to job strain and to individual and emotional factors. The professional groups under study all are target for preventive interventions; these interventions need to be specified for each of the professional groups, and to include educational, organizational, and ergonomic measures.
The usability study of a software system aims at improving learning times and task execution, as well as decreasing the number of errors and increasing the user satisfaction. Goal of the present study is to assess the usability of a healthcare e-learning software in relationship with professional and personal variables. To eighty healthcare operators have been administered: a) a questionnaire for the assessment of their skills in using PCs and their opinions on e-learning; b) SUS and SUMI questionnaires for the evaluation of system usability; c) the LOC-L questionnaire, to assess the type of individual locus-of-control, either internal or external. ⋯ No relationship could be found between SUS scores and the number hours per week spent in using the PC, the experience and opinions of users on e-learning systems. Data from the LOC-L questionnaire show how usability scores are not influenced by the type of individual locus-of-control. The results here obtained show how SUS and SUMI questionnaires can be effectively employed to assess usability of an e-learning software system.