Ceská gynekologie / Ceská lékarská spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne
Biography Historical Article
John Whitridge Williams' contribution to democracy abroad. (The fetus treated as a patient).
The idealism of American pioneers was a driving force in the development of science, democracy, and sociology in the United States. It also served as a model for the development of new democracies abroad. The first American grafted democracy was established in Czechoslovakia in 1918, under Thomas Garrigue Masaryk as President. ⋯ However, subtle at first, it was not included in the literature. He did not participate personally in the establishment of democracy in Czechoslovakia, but strengthened Masaryk's teaching programs through those Czechoslovakian obstetricians who adapted his scientific teachings and made him a model of American democracy as a view on life. Masaryk himself had in his presidential emblem a sign, veritas vincit, and through it, he accomplished twenty years of the most extraordinary democracy in the world.