Ceská gynekologie / Ceská lékarská spolecnost J. Ev. Purkyne
An analysis of incidence of congenital heart defects (CHD) in the Czech Republic in the 1994 - 2008 period. An assessment of absolute numbers, frequencies and incidences for particular selected diagnoses according to 10th decennial revision of International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). An analysis of pre- and postnatal incidences of selected diagnoses and of a secondary prevention measures efficiency in the Czech Republic. ⋯ The study presents current results of analysis of CHD incidences in the Czech Republic in the 1994 - 2008 period. Children born with a CHD make more than 36% out of all children born with a congenital anomaly. CHD themselves represents an important part (more than 40%) of all diagnosed congenital anomalies in the Czech Republic. Over the period of the study there was a slight increase of diagnosed CHD during 1994 - 1999 followed by a slight decrease from 2000 with an exception of 2007 year. The most frequent of diagnosed CHD were ventricular septal defect (Q21.0) and atrial septal defect (Q21.1). Both defects incidences changes influence not only a total CHD but also a total congenital anomalies incidence. An influence of prenatal diagnostics among the five selected CHD was most important in hypoplastic left heart syndrome (Q23.4), less so in others. In prenatal diagnostics group, it is necessary to distinguish between those anomalies, which led to pregnancy termination (parts of both chromosomal and non-chromosomal syndromes and/or association with other severe anomalies) and those in which pregnancy leads to a delivery (late diagnostics, operabile defects, parental decision). CHD can be a part of chromosomal syndromes. In our study, in prenatally diagnosed CHD it was more than 42%. A presence of other associated diagnoses of congenital anomalies in births will significantly influence infant mortality and morbidity.