Archivio italiano di urologia, andrologia : organo ufficiale [di] Società italiana di ecografia urologica e nefrologica / Associazione ricerche in urologia
Arch Ital Urol Androl · Dec 2020
Multicenter StudyOverview of the italian experience in surgical management of bladder cancer during first month of COVID-19 pandemic.
Overview of bladder cancer (BC) management in Italy during the first month of the COVID-19 pandemic (March 2020) with head to head comparison of the data from March 2019, considered "usual activity" period. The aim is to analyze performance of different Italian Centers in North, Center and South, with a special eye for Lombardy (the Italian epicenter). ⋯ The data of our survey, although limited, represents a snap shot of the management of BC during the first month of the COVD-19 pandemic, which posed a major challenge for cancer centers seeking to provide care during an extremely dynamic clinical and political situation which requires maximum flexibility to be appropriately managed.
Arch Ital Urol Androl · Dec 2020
Observational StudyUrological emergency activities during COVID-19 pandemic: Our experience.
The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is causing a significant health emergency which is overturning dramatically routine activities in hospitals. The outbreak is generating the need to provide assistance to infected patients and in parallel to treat all nondeferrable oncological and urgent benign diseases. A panel of Italian urologists agreed on possible strategies for the reorganization of urological routine practices and on a set of recommendations that should facilitate a further planning of both inpatient visits and surgical activities during the COVID- 19 pandemic. According to this only urgent benign and nondeferrable oncological activities have been kept. ⋯ Urological emergency activities during COVID- 19 pandemic are more appropriate since urgent outpatients' visits required by ED are decreased and emergency surgical and endourological procedures are stable.
Arch Ital Urol Androl · Jun 2020
GuidelineCOVID-19 pandemic and its implications on sexual life: Recommendations from the Italian Society of Andrology.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the coronavirus that causes an infectious disease, called COVID-19, first detected in patients with pneumonia in Wuhan (People's Republic of China) on December 2019. Italy was the first European country to state the outbreak of the infection and its Council of Ministers declared the state of health emergency on 31.01.2020, then the World Health Organization ruled a global pandemic on 11.03.2020. The nasopharyngeal swab is based on the detection of virus RNA and is the only reliable one for declaring COVID-19 infection. ⋯ This symptomatology can be often complicated in a dramatically increasing manner such as to require hospitalization starting from the third-fourth week. COVID-19 outbreak has dramatically affected the quality of life by changing inter-personal relationships, community life and obviously sexual health. The purpose of this work, based on available evidence, is to provide recommendations to help the population to face their sexual life in this critical period.
Arch Ital Urol Androl · Apr 2020
Hospital care in Departments defined as COVID-free: A proposal for a safe hospitalization protecting healthcare professionals and patients not affected by COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic influenced the normal course of clinical practice leading to significant delays in the delivery of healthcare services for patients non affected by COVID-19. In the near future, it will be crucial to identify facilities capable of providing health care in compliance with the safety of healthcare professionals, administrative staff and patients. All the staff involved in the project of a Covid-free hospital should be subjected to a diagnostic swab for COVID-19 before the beginning of healthcare activity and then periodically in order to avoid the risk of contamination of patients during the process of care. ⋯ The surgical team should be restricted and monitored with periodic swabs; surgical procedures should be performed by experienced surgeons according to standard procedures; surgical training experimental treatments and research protocols should be suspended. Adequate personal protective equipment and measures to reduce aerosolization in the operating room (closed circuits, continuous cycle insufflators, fume extraction) should be adopted. Prevention of possible transmission of the virus during procedures in open, laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery is to use a multi-tactic approach, which includes correct filtration and ventilation of the operating room, the use of appropriate PPE (FFP3 plus surgical mask and protective visor for all the staff working in the operating room) and smoke evacuation devices with a suction and filter system. on behalf of the UrOP Executive Committee Giuseppe Ludovico, Angelo Cafarelli, Ottavio De Cobelli, Ferdinando De Marco, Giovanni Ferrari, Stefano Pecoraro, Angelo Porreca, Domenico Tuzzolo.
Arch Ital Urol Androl · Jan 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyThe role of nutraceutical medications in men with non bacterial chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome: A prospective non blinded study utilizing flower pollen extracts versus bioflavonoids.
Chronic prostatitis (CP)/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) represents a challenge for the urologist, since the therapeutic efficacy does not always result in a satisfactory quality of life for the patients. Often the side effects of the medications used (antiinflammatories, antibiotics, alpha blockers) far outweighs the benefits gained with their admission. The choice of nutraceutical medications is preferred for their effectiveness, that has been accepted and proven by the scientific community, and for the low incidence of side effects. The objective of this study to compare the therapeutic efficacy of the flower pollen extracts (Deprox®) versus Bioflavonoids in terms of reduction of symptoms, and in the average waiting time of the variation of the National Institute of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI), and to evaluate the quality of life improvement of the patients affected by CP/CPPS. ⋯ DEPROX® has demonstrated a significant improvement of the symptoms and quality of life of patients diagnosed with by CP/CPPS. Furthermore, there was a statistical difference in the average waiting time of the variation of the NIH-CPSI) score without side effects as compared to the bioflavonoids complex with quercetin.