Clinical epidemiology
Clinical epidemiology · Jan 2020
Trend Dynamics of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Transmission in 16 Cities of Hubei Province, China.
A severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was detected by researchers from a patient in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, in December 2019, and broke out in January 2020. Then, the pandemic was detected in countries around the world. Therefore, precise estimates of its current and future trends are highly required for future policy implications. ⋯ The public must take precautionary measures in order to control and prevent disease spread and avoid extra travelling.
Clinical epidemiology · Jan 2020
Sixty-Day Mortality Among 520 Italian Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients According to the Adopted Ventilatory Strategy in the Context of an Integrated Multidisciplinary Clinical Organization: A Population-Based Cohort Study.
Although the decision of which ventilation strategy to adopt in COVID-19 patients is crucial, yet the most appropriate means of carrying out this undertaking is not supported by strong evidence. We therefore described the organization of a province-level healthcare system during the occurrence of the COVID-19 epidemic and the 60-day outcomes of the hospitalized COVID-19 patients according to the respiratory strategy adopted given the limited available resources. ⋯ This study provided a population-based estimate of the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in a severely affected Italian province. A similar 60-day mortality risk was found for patients undergoing immediate IMV and those intubated after an NIV trial with favorable outcomes after prolonged IMV.
Clinical epidemiology · Jan 2020
Sociodemographic Characteristics Associated with Contacts to Emergency Medical Services and Out-of-Hours Primary Care: An Observational Study of 2.3 Million Citizens.
Out-of-hours (OOH) health care services are often divided into emergency medical services (EMS) and OOH primary care (OOH-PC). EMS and many OOH-PC use telephone triage, yet the patient still makes the initial choice of contacting a service and which service. Sociodemographic characteristics are associated with help-seeking. Yet, differences in characteristics for EMS and OOH-PC patients have not been investigated in any large-scale cohort studies. Such knowledge may contribute to organizing OOH services to match patient needs. Thus, in this study we aimed to explore which sociodemographic patient characteristics were associated with utilizing OOH health care and to explore which sociodemographic characteristics were associated with EMS or OOH-PC contact. ⋯ Several sociodemographic factors were associated with contacting a health care service outside office hours and with contacting EMS rather than OOH-PC. Old age, low income, low education and low socioeconomic status were of greatest importance.
Clinical epidemiology · Jan 2020
Herpes Zoster, Hepatitis C, and Tuberculosis Risk with Apremilast Compared to Biologics, DMARDs and Corticosteroids to Treat Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis.
Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are associated with an increased infection risk. In this cohort study of patients with treated psoriasis or PsA, we used MarketScan (2014-2018) to estimate rates of herpes zoster, hepatitis C (HepC) and tuberculosis (TB) with apremilast compared to other systemic treatments. ⋯ Rates of herpes zoster varied by treatment: highest among those who received polytherapy, lowest in users of apremilast only. IRs for HepC and TB were low for all exposures.
Aim of database: The aim of DANARREST is to collect data on processes of care and outcomes for patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest in Denmark, and thereby facilitate and monitor quality and quality improvement initiatives. Study population: In-hospital cardiac arrest patients with a clinical indication for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Denmark. Main variables: DANARREST includes a number of descriptive variables as well as seven quality of care indicators; four related to processes of care and three related to clinical outcomes. ⋯ As of 2017, 95% of relevant hospitals are reporting data with an estimated coverage rate of approximately 80%. Conclusion: DANARREST is a relatively new national registry of in-hospital cardiac arrests in Denmark, with a high coverage rate. The registry provides an opportunity to monitor and improve quality of care for patients with in-hospital cardiac arrest.