Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy
J Manag Care Spec Pharm · Jul 2016
Predictors of Nonadherence to Topical Intraocular Pressure Reduction Medications Among Medicare Members: A Claims-Based Retrospective Cohort Study.
Reported adherence rates with ocular hypotensive medications typically range from 51% to 56% over the first year of therapy. As intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction slows the progression of vision loss from glaucoma, early identification of nonadherent members is crucial to effective disease management. ⋯ Funding for this study was contributed by Allergan. Comprehensive Health Insights was contracted by Allergan to conduct this study. Sheer, Bunniran, and Uribe are employed by Comprehensive Health Insights/Humana and own stock in Humana. Fiscella, Chandwani, and Patel are employed by Allergan. Study concept and design were contributed by Sheer, Fiscella, and Patel, along with Bunniran and Uribe. Sheer and Bunniran took the lead in data collection, and data interpretation was performed by Bunniran and Uribe, along with the other authors. The manuscript was written and revised by Sheer, Bunniran, Chandwani, and Uribe, with assistance from Fiscella and Patel.
J Manag Care Spec Pharm · Jul 2016
Erectile Dysfunction Medication Use in Veterans Eligible for Medicare Part D.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) medications are therapeutically effective and associated with satisfaction. Medicare Part D included ED medications on the formulary during 2006 and inadvertently in 2007-2008. ⋯ The authors received funding support for this research project from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Health Services Research and Development Service as grant IIR 07-165-2. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Veterans Affairs or Health Services Research and Development Service. Study concept and design were contributed by Smith and Stroupe, assisted by the other authors. Huo, Bailey, and Stroupe took the lead in data collection, assisted by the other authors. Data interpretation was performed by Spencer and Suda, along with Smith and Stroupe and assisted by Huo and Bailey. The manuscript was primarily written by Spencer and Suda, with assistance from the other authors, and revised by Spencer, along with the other authors.
J Manag Care Spec Pharm · Jul 2016
Budget-Impact Analysis of Alternative Herpes Zoster Vaccine Strategies: A U.S. HMO Perspective.
A herpes zoster vaccine has been approved by the FDA for use in prevention of herpes zoster in individuals who are aged 50 years or older. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends vaccination only in individuals who are aged 60 years and older. ⋯ Merck & Co. funded this study/research and was involved in all stages of study conduct, including analysis of the data. Merck & Co. also undertook all costs associated with the development and publication of this manuscript. Graham and Mauskopf (and/or their institutions) received research funding from Merck & Co. to develop the budget-impact estimates and for other research studies. Johnson, Xu, and Acosta are employees of Merck & Co. Kawai was employed by Merck & Co. during part of the time of this study. Graham and Mauskopf were primarily responsible for the design and programming of the economic model, identification and final selection of the input parameter values, interpretation of the study results, and preparation of the study report. Johnson, Kawai, Xu, and Acosta contributed to model design, input parameter estimation, interpretation of the results, and review of and revisions to the study report. All authors had access to the data, participated in the development of this manuscript, and gave final approval before submission. All authors have agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.