Journal of managed care & specialty pharmacy
J Manag Care Spec Pharm · Jul 2016
Budget-Impact Analysis of Alternative Herpes Zoster Vaccine Strategies: A U.S. HMO Perspective.
A herpes zoster vaccine has been approved by the FDA for use in prevention of herpes zoster in individuals who are aged 50 years or older. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends vaccination only in individuals who are aged 60 years and older. ⋯ Merck & Co. funded this study/research and was involved in all stages of study conduct, including analysis of the data. Merck & Co. also undertook all costs associated with the development and publication of this manuscript. Graham and Mauskopf (and/or their institutions) received research funding from Merck & Co. to develop the budget-impact estimates and for other research studies. Johnson, Xu, and Acosta are employees of Merck & Co. Kawai was employed by Merck & Co. during part of the time of this study. Graham and Mauskopf were primarily responsible for the design and programming of the economic model, identification and final selection of the input parameter values, interpretation of the study results, and preparation of the study report. Johnson, Kawai, Xu, and Acosta contributed to model design, input parameter estimation, interpretation of the results, and review of and revisions to the study report. All authors had access to the data, participated in the development of this manuscript, and gave final approval before submission. All authors have agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
J Manag Care Spec Pharm · Jun 2016
Low-Cost Generic Program Use by Medicare Beneficiaries: Implications for Medication Exposure Misclassification in Administrative Claims Data.
Administrative claims data are used for a wide variety of research and quality assurance purposes; however, they are prone to medication exposure misclassification if medications are purchased without using an insurance benefit. Low-cost generic drug programs (LCGPs) offered at major chain pharmacies are a relatively new and sparsely investigated source of exposure misclassification. LCGP medications are often purchased out of pocket; thus, a pharmacy claim may never be submitted, and the exposure may go unobserved in claims data. As heavy users of medications, Medicare beneficiaries have much to gain from the affordable medications offered through LCGPs. This use may put them at increased risk of exposure misclassification in claims data. Many high-risk medications (HRMs) and medications tracked for adherence and utilization quality metrics are available through LCGPs, and exposure misclassification of these medications may impact the quality assurance efforts reliant on administrative claims data. Presently, there is little information regarding the use of these programs among a geriatric population. ⋯ No direct sources of funding were used to conduct this study. Data acquisition was supported by the University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science through funding from NIH NCATS grant #UL1TR000117. Brown is the Humana-Pfizer Research Fellow at the Institute for Pharmaceutical Outcomes & Policy at the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy and is provided salary from these corporations. However, neither company provided any direct funding for the current study nor provided any input or guidance for the design, methods, or drafting of the manuscript. Pauly has no financial disclosures or conflicts of interest. Portions of these results were presented at the 20th International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research International Meeting; May 16-20, 2015; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Study concept and design were primarily contributed by Brown, along with the other authors. Brown took the lead in data collection and interpretation, along with Pauly and Talbert. All authors participated in the writing and revision of the manuscript.
J Manag Care Spec Pharm · Jun 2016
Comparative StudyComparative Assessment of Medical Resource Use and Costs Associated with Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease in the United States.
There is growing concern about appropriate disease management for peripheral artery disease (PAD) because of the rapidly expanding population at risk for PAD and the high burden of illness associated with symptomatic PAD. A better understanding of the potential economic impact of symptomatic PAD relative to a matched control population may help improve care management for these patients. ⋯ This study was funded by Merck & Co., Kenilworth, New Jersey. Chase and Heithoff are employees of Merck & Co., Kenilworth, New Jersey, and Upper Gwynedd, Pennsylvania. Friedman and Navaratnam are paid consultants for Merck & Co. Simpson is a paid consultant for Merck, Pfizer, and Amgen and has received speaker's fees from Merck and Pfizer. Study concept and design were contributed by Chase, Navaratnam, and Heilhoff, along with Simpson and Friedman. Friedman collected the data, which was interpreted by Simpson and Navaratnam, along with Friedman. The manuscript was written by Navaratnam and Friedman, along with Chase, Heilhoff and Simpson, and revised by all of the authors.
J Manag Care Spec Pharm · Jun 2016
Use of Oritavancin in Moderate-to-Severe ABSSSI Patients Requiring IV Antibiotics: A U.S. Payer Budget Impact Analysis.
It is estimated that acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSI) account for nearly 10% of hospital admissions and 3.4-3.8 million emergency department visits per year in the United States. Analyses of hospital discharge records indicate 74% of ABSSSI admissions involve empiric treatment with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) active antibiotics. Analysis has shown that payer costs could be reduced if moderate-to-severe ABSSSI patients were treated to a greater extent in the observational unit followed by discharge to outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT). Oritavancin is a lipoglycopeptide antibiotic with bactericidal activity against gram-positive bacteria, including MRSA. ⋯ This work was funded by The Medicines Company. Jensen, Wu, and Cyr are employees of ICON Health Economics, which provides consulting services to the biopharmaceutical industry, including The Medicines Company. Fan and Sulman are employees and shareholders of The Medicines Company. Dufour and Lodise have provided consulting services to The Medicines Company. Nicolau provided model input but did not receive an honorarium for contributions on this project. Nicolau is a speaker for The Medicines Company. Study concept and design were contributed by Jensen and Wu, along with the other authors. Jensen, Wu, Fan, and Sulham collected the data, with assistance from Cyr. Data interpretation was performed by Sulham, Jensen, Wu, and Fan, assisted by Lodise, Nicolau, and Dufour. The manuscript was written by Jensen, Wu, and Sulham, with assistance from Cyr, and revised by Lodise, Nicolau, and Dufour, with assistance from the other authors.
J Manag Care Spec Pharm · May 2016
Medication Nonadherence Among Medicare Beneficiaries with Comorbid Chronic Conditions: Influence of Pharmacy Dispensing Channel.
Taking medications as prescribed is imperative for their effectiveness. In populations such as Medicare, where two thirds of Medicare beneficiaries have at least 2 or more chronic conditions requiring treatment with medications and account for more than 90% of Medicare health care spend, examining ways to improve medication adherence in patients with comorbidities is warranted. ⋯ Funding for this study was provided internally by Express Scripts Holding Company. Iyengar, LeFrancois, Henderson, and Rabbitt are employees of Express Scripts. Study concept and design were created by Iyengar and LeFrancois. Iyengar was responsible for acquisition of data, statistical analysis, and interpretation of data. The manuscript was written by Iyengar and LeFrancois and revised by all the authors.