Evidence-based dentistry
Evidence-based dentistry · Mar 2020
CommentExploring the cost-effectiveness of child dental caries prevention programmes. Are we comparing apples and oranges?
Data sources The following seven databases were searched: PubMed, EMBASE, DARE, NHSEED, HTA, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry and Paediatric Economic Database Evaluation (PEDE). Study selection The review included trial and model-based economic evaluation studies and the participants included children aged from 0 to 12 years old who were healthy except for having dental caries. Studies of mixed populations of parents and children were included where the data for children were presented separately. ⋯ Conclusions A comprehensive analysis of the OHPPs confirmed that DMFT could be reduced, hence, lowering the financial burden of dental-care treatment. More effort is needed to manage the allocation of scarce resources, taking into account the economic impact of dental caries on healthcare systems. More studies on caries-prevention programmes among young children in high-, middle- and low-income countries are needed, in order to assess the clinical and financial effectiveness.