Psychological reports
Life Position, one of the central concepts in Transactional Analysis, is a person's convictions about the worth of the self and others-a basic psychological stand, which is deeply ingrained. There are four Life Positions: "I'm OK-You're OK", "I'm OK-You're not OK", "I'm not OK-You're OK", and "I'm not OK-You're not OK". Contradicting Berne's theory of only one depressive position ("I'm not OK-You're OK"), past findings showed that both "I'm not OK-You're OK" and "I'm not OK-You're not OK" positions relate to depression, with the "I'm not OK-You're not OK" position relating to depression more strongly than the "I'm not OK-You're OK" position. ⋯ Post hoc analysis revealed that the "I'm not OK-You're not OK" position related most to depression, followed by the "I'm not OK-You're OK" position, the "I'm OK-You're not OK" position, and finally the "I'm OK-You're OK" position. The results also showed that both negative convictions of the self and others contributed significantly to depression, but the former predicted depression more than the latter. Applications of these findings into theoretical and therapy settings were explored.