Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza
Comparative Study
[Crystallographic analysis of liquor for diagnosis and life-time evaluation of craniocerebral injury].
Liquor specimens were examined by crystallography in 136 patients with craniocerebral injuries of different severity, hospitalized at the neuroinjury department of Kaliningrad Emergency Hospital and in 12 normal subjects in 1997-1998. The crystallograms were evaluated by a sum of signs, as a result of which specific patterns of colony growth in health and craniocerebral injury of different severity were obtained.
Case Reports
[Evaluation of injuries features inflicted by shots from gas guns by emission spectral analysis].
The authors describe a methodological approach to emission spectral analysis of material evidences aimed at evaluating the regularities of deposition of the shot metals at the site of injuries inflicted by gas guns. Injuries inflicted by gunshots with chemical cartridges and with shot cartridges, with and without obstructions, from different distances have been examined. The detected regularities may be useful in forensic medical expert evaluations by means of emission spectral analysis in cases with gas gunshots.