Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza
Case Reports
[Forensic, medical, and criminalistic description of injuries inflicted by firing the pistol "PB-4"].
A case of causing a lethal injury from the PB-4 self-defense pistol (traumatic action bullets) is described. An issue of the relation between notions "a non-lethal gun" and "special-purpose weapon" are under discussion.
The contents of acetaldehyde (AA) in biological fluids obtained from the dead with the confirmed lethality causes, i.e. ischemic heart disease (IHD), alcoholic cardiomyopathy (ACMP) and mechanical traumas (MT), were examined on an actual forensic-medical material (AFMM). 14 death cases of males, aged 18 to 45, were studied. The method of gas-liquid chromatography (GLC), or rather its variation of vaporphase analysis, was used to state the presence and to assess the concentration of acetaldehyde. ⋯ A higher AA content was typical of the ACMP group in all examined subjects both with and without alcoholic intoxication. The final study results are suggestive of that the AA determination in blood, urine and liquor by GLC could be used, within the forensic medical practice, in assessing a severity degree of alcoholic intoxication while establishing the lethal outcome cause due to chronic pathologies and MT.