Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza
Described in the paper are forensic-medical cases related with examinations of wounds inflicted by rubber case-shot--a relatively rare ammunition. The morphology of the above wounds and specific features of deposition of "shot metals" in the damaged region were studied. The possibilities of fixing a shot distance and ammunition type were defined.
Historical Article
[Management and organisation of research in forensic medicine].
The forensic medical measures undertaken by Russia's Defense Ministry (RDM) in its campaign against trafficking of narcotics and drastic medicines in Russia's territory are addressed in the paper. The dynamic mortality rate due to poisoning by narcotic and psychotropic agents (among Russian citizens) is shown for 1996-2001; the following issues are also discussed: specificity of drug-trafficking and drug-addiction in the contemporary Russian society and, primarily, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the conditions, on which the RDM expert forensic-and-medical institutions are involved in state measures against trafficking of narcotics and drastic medicines in Russia's territory.