Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza
The objective of the present study was to elucidate the specific features of the injuries inflicted by rubber bullets of traumatic weapons based on the results of real and experimental observations. Morphological characteristics of external lesions are presented as determined by peculiarities of tissue destruction caused by mechanical impact. Metric characteristics of morphological features of contour (circular) bruises and elastic projectiles coincide with the dimensional ratio in the model of interaction of interest, i.e. the action of a dull indenter on the elastoplastic semispace.
Case Reports
[The determination of the ballistics of a hunting rifle loaded with a Poleva-3 bullet].
Various approaches are considered to determine the shooting range of a hunting rifle loaded with a Poleva-3 bullet from the specific features of gunshot injuries inflicted by container-type Poleba-3 bullets for hunting rifles.
The results of the sientometric analysis of the publications in the journal Sudebno-meditsinskaya ekspertiza (Forensic Medical Expertise) for the 55 year period (from 1958 to 2012) was used to evaluate the information support of scientific research and practical observations of forensic medical experts concerning the topical issues of road traffic injury in this country. The authors performed the search for the relevant publications which revealed 165 articles that were classified and grouped with a view to their systematic assessment for the enhancement of the effectiveness of research work and practical activities of specialists concerned with forensic medical traumatology with special reference to road traffic injury. The present paper is a preliminary communication to be followed by a series of further publications containing the results of in-depth sientometric analysis of the articles published by specialists in injury cases involving cars, trains, and airplanes in the journal Sudebno-meditsinskaya ekspertiza.