Sudebno-meditsinskaia ekspertiza
The objective of the present work was to study the mechanisms of formation of the gunshot fracture of the flat bones with special reference to the translational and rotational motion of the projectile. A total of 120 real and experimental injuries of this type were available for the investigation with the use of simulation by the finite-elemental analysis. A set of morphological features has been identified that make it possible to determine the direction of rotation of the gunshot projectile.
The authors summarize the experience with the participation of forensic medical experts in reducing the crime rise, prophylaxis of socially significant pathologies (such as drug addiction, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, oncological diseases, HIV infection) and improvement of health services to the population as exemplified by the activities of the specialists of Sankt-Peterburg Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise. The special emphasis is laid on the role of the city's therapeutic and prophylactic facilities in this work and up-to-date high-tech laboratory and special investigations.
This paper is concerned with the theoretical aspects and present-day practice of commissioning expert assessments and performance of forensic medical expertise. Special attention is given to the conceptual problem of the interaction between the organizations engaged in forensic medical examination and law-enforcement bodies. The authors outline the most promising directions for the improvement of cooperation between such agencies, preliminary investigation and criminal enquiry facilities.
The objective of the present study was to develop the method for the determination of the position of the upper extremities at the moment of formation of the punctured-incised wounds in the chest canals taking into consideration peculiarities of their structure. A few series of experiments carried out for this purpose involving different positions of the upper extremities made it possible to evaluate the degree of displacement of the tissues in different chest regions and characterize disjunctive (disruptive) dislocation of the wound canals. The reconstruction of rectilinearity of the chest channel made it possible to demonstrate the possibility of establishing the initial position of the upper extremity at the moment of infliction of injury. The validity of the results of the study is illustrated by the example of practical forensic medical expertise.