Journal of adolescent health care : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine
A national survey of physician fellows in adolescent medicine, a sequel to the 1974-1979 survey, was conducted in 1984. Fifty-one listed programs were identified; 48 directors responded. Two hundred twelve fellows were identified (111 one-year, 101 two-year); 151 (71%) returned the questionnaire. ⋯ Responses as to whether the objective was fully met in each of 18 different content areas showed 60-96% satisfaction in 12 areas but only 23-34% satisfaction in six (developing a research project, participating in a critical assessment of the literature, diagnosing/managing sports medicine, developmental disability, substance abuse problems, and managing pregnancy). Significant differences (p less than 0.05 or less than 0.01) between 1979-1984 fellows compared with the 1974-1979 group included more females, two-year fellows, and fellows in private practice and less fellows in full-time academic work or spending a majority of time in adolescent medicine. These results especially indicate that there are more programs and fellows, more two-year fellows, and suggest more satisfaction with the training experience.