Endocrinología y nutrición : órgano de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición
The syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)/syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis is characterized by a hypotonic hyponatremia, with an insufficiently diluted urine given the plasmatic hypoosmolality, in the absence of hypovolemia (with or without a third space), hypotension, renal or heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, vomiting, or other non-osmotic stimuli of ADH secretion. The response of ADH to the infusion of hypertonic saline divides SIADH into 4 different types. In type D, there is no alteration in ADH secretion. ⋯ SIADH is underdiagnosed, and hospitalization often worsens the clinical situation, due to an iatrogenic excess in the use of oral and i.v. liquids, often hypotonic, together with a reduction in salt intake. Treatment is directed towards normalization of natremia when possible, together with the avoidance of both hyponatremic encephalopathy as well as the osmotic demyelinization syndrome. Cases of "appropriate" secretion of ADH with normovolemic hyponatremia and high mortality rates should be treated with the same urgency as SIADH--such is the case of post-surgical hyponatremia.
The non-peptide vasopressin antagonists (VPA), called vaptans, were developed in the 1990s to antagonize both the pressor and antidiuretic effects of vasopressin. There are three subtypes of VPA receptors: V1a, V1b and V2. V1a receptors are widely distributed in the body, mainly the blood vessels and myocardium. ⋯ Current studies show that the vaptans are effective and well tolerated, although knowledge of these drugs remains limited. There are no studies of the use of vaptans in severe hyponatremia. Osmotic demyelination syndrome due to excessively rapid correction of hyponatremia has not been described.
Comparative Study
[Toxic intrathoracic goiter. Clinical profile and surgical morbidity in an endocrine surgery unit].
The development of postsurgical complications is exacerbated when several risk factors coincide in the same patient. ⋯ In any unit with ample experience of endocrine surgery, total thyroidectomy in toxic intrathoracic goiter can be carried out with a low risk of postsurgical complications, a low incidence of sternotomies and complete symptom remission. In intrathoracic goiter surgery, the presence of associated hyperthyroidism does not increase postoperative morbidity.