BJU international
Health Economic (multiway sensitivity analyses). ⋯ Prostate cancer is associated with increased direct healthcare costs over the natural history of the disease. Costs are highest around two events, cancer diagnosis and cancer death. Future research should evaluate costs borne by private insurers and patients, evaluate the effects of patient and system variables on lifetime costs, and explore differences in end-of-life healthcare costs across countries.
To report 4-year health-related quality of life (HRQL) outcome data after retropubic mid-urethral synthetic sling (MUS) surgery without concomitant prolapse repair for treating female stress urinary incontinence (SUI) in a single institution. ⋯ In our institution, HRQL improvement at 3 months after retropubic MUS surgery predicts persistence of improvement at 4 years. This is useful clinically in counselling our patients for treatment efficacy. Tension-free placement is associated with minimal risk of postoperative retention or de novo overactive bladder. Although patient numbers are modest, these data contribute to the scarce longer term (> or =4 years) HRQL data on the MUS, which is a safe and durable procedure with a minimal complication profile.
Prognosis (cohort). ⋯ Using the NIH-CPSI the estimated prevalence for urogenital pain in Australian men is 8%; an estimated 3% of men experience pain from more than one urogenital location. The estimated prevalence of prostatitis-like symptoms in Australian men is 2%. Almost a third of Australian men experiencing urogenital pain or prostatitis-like symptoms would be less than satisfied if this was to be ongoing for the rest of their life.