Reproductive health
Reproductive health · Aug 2021
Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on provision of sexual and reproductive health services in primary health facilities in Nigeria: a cross-sectional study.
Nigeria, like many other countries, has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. While efforts have been devoted to curtailing the disease, a major concern has been its potential effects on the delivery and utilization of reproductive health care services in the country. The objective of the study was to investigate the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdowns had affected the provision of essential reproductive, maternal, child, and adolescent health (RMCAH) services in primary health care facilities across the Nigerian States. ⋯ The large proportion of PHCs who provided RMCAH services despite the lockdown demonstrates resilience. Considering the several difficulties reported, and the limited provision of primary protective equipment more effort by the government and non-governmental agencies is recommended to strengthen delivery of sexual and reproductive health in primary health centres in Nigeria during the pandemic.
Reproductive health · Apr 2021
ReviewWomen in larger bodies' experiences with contraception: a scoping review.
As the prevalence of obesity increases and the age of onset decreases, more women of reproductive age will be living in larger bodies. Research on weight-related efficacy and safety has informed clinical guidelines for routine and emergency contraceptive use by women with a higher body mass index; however, patient perspectives are needed to understand women in larger bodies' experiences with contraception and contraceptive care. This scoping review summarizes the literature on women in larger bodies' experiences with contraception with the goal of gaining a better understanding of the nature of these experiences and identifying gaps in the existing research. ⋯ This scoping review emphasizes the pressing need for qualitative research to explore women in larger bodies' experiences with routine and emergency contraception, as well as receiving contraceptive counseling and care. Future research exploring the lived experiences of women in larger bodies is necessary to better characterize their contraceptive needs and identify avenues to improve patient care.
Reproductive health · Apr 2021
Health care professionals' attitudes towards youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services in Jordan: a cross-sectional study of physicians, midwives and nurses.
Youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services are thought to make such services for adolescents more accessible and acceptable; however, provider attitudes may still present an important barrier. Improving youth SRH service utilization has been recognized as a national priority in Jordan; however, existing services remain underutilized. Previous studies found that youth perceive SRH services to be inadequate and that providers are not supportive of their needs. The purpose of this study is measure provider attitudes towards youth-friendly SRH services and explore their variation according to individual characteristics among health care professionals in Jordan. ⋯ Provider attitudes towards youth-friendly SRH service delivery highlight context-specific, cultural concerns. The limited variation in attitudes related to norms and personal beliefs may be a reflection that such beliefs are deeply held across Jordanian society. Last, as past training on SRH was significantly associated with higher scores, our results suggest opportunity for intervention to improve providers' confidence and knowledge.
Reproductive health · Apr 2021
ReviewA review of the literature on sexual and reproductive health of African migrant and refugee children.
Migration and involuntary displacement of children and young people have recently become common features of many African countries due to widespread poverty, rapid urbanization, joblessness, and instability that motivate them to seek livelihoods away from their places of origin. With limited education and skills, children become vulnerable socioeconomically, thereby exposing themselves to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) risks. ⋯ The conditions that necessitate economic-driven migration of children will continue to exist in sub-Saharan Africa. This will provide fertile grounds for child migration to continue to thrive, with diverse sexual and reproductive health risks among the child migrants. There is need for further quantitative and qualitative research on child migrants' sexual and reproductive health experiences paying special attention to their differentiation by gender, documented or undocumented, within or across national borders and within or outside refugee camps.
Reproductive health · Mar 2021
Predictors of skilled birth attendance among married women in Cameroon: further analysis of 2018 Cameroon Demographic and Health Survey.
In Cameroon, maternal deaths remain high. The high maternal deaths in the country have been attributed to the low utilization of maternal healthcare services, including skilled birth attendance. This study examined the predictors of skilled birth services utilization among married women in Cameroon. ⋯ This study demonstrates that social, economic, regional, and cultural factors can act as barriers to skilled childbirth services utilization in Cameroon. Interventions that target women empowerment, antenatal care awareness and strengthening are needed, especially among the rural poor, to reduce barriers to care seeking. Maternal healthcare services utilization interventions and policies in Cameroon need to focus on specific equity gaps that relate to socio-economic status, maternal education, and the economic empowerment of women. Such policies and interventions should also aim at reducing geographical barriers to access to maternal healthcare services, including skilled birth attendance. Due to the presence of inequities in the use of skilled birth attendance services, programs aimed at social protection and empowerment of economically disadvantaged women are necessary for the achievement of the post-2015 targets and the Sustainable Development Goals. Globally, Cameroon is one of the countries with high maternal deaths. Low utilization of maternal healthcare services, including skilled birth attendance have been found to account for the high maternal deaths in the country. This study sought to examine the factors associated with skilled childbirth services utilization among married women in Cameroon. Using data from the 2018 Cameroon Demographic and Health Survey, we found that the coverage of skilled birth attendance among married women of reproductive age in Cameroon is high. Factors such as higher decision-making power, higher maternal education, place of residence, religion, higher economic status, wife beating attitude, parity and skilled antenatal care were found to be the significant predictors of skilled birth attendance. This study has shown that socio-economic, regional and cultural factors account for the utilization of skilled childbirth services utilization in Cameroon. Interventions aimed at enhancing the utilization of skilled childbirth services in Cameroon should target women empowerment, antenatal care awareness creation and sensitization, especially among the rural poor, to reduce barriers to care seeking. Maternal healthcare services utilization interventions and policies in Cameroon need to focus on specific equity gaps that relate to socio-economic status, maternal education, and the economic empowerment of women.