Nigerian quarterly journal of hospital medicine
Trauma remains one of the leading causes of death globally. It also leads to short and long term morbidity as well as enormous economic loss, especially for a developing economy such as Nigeria. ⋯ Musculoskeletal injuries are mostly caused by road traffic accidents and affects mainly young adult males. Motorcycle related incidents constitute majority of road traffic accidents.
Randomized Controlled Trial
A clinical experience with epidural balloon in the localisation of the epidural space in labouring parturients.
Localisation of the epidural space is one of the key steps in the provision of epidural analgesia during childbirth. Many ingenious devices have been designed to improve the success of the puncture procedure. A clinical experience with a modified Macintosh epidural balloon in the localisation of the epidural space is described. ⋯ The epidural space was identified more often at the first attempt, and more swiftly, with the epidural balloon.
The plain abdominal x-ray is still the first imaging modality in diagnosis of acute abdomen. The aim of this study was to find the value of plain abdominal x-ray in the management of abdominal emergencies seen in Lagos university teaching hospital. ⋯ In conclusion, this study shows that abdominal radiographs are useful when appropriate criteria are followed in requesting for the investigation. The investigation should be requested for all patients with moderate to severe abdominal tenderness, those with gunshot injuries, blunt abdominal trauma and generalized peritonitis. It should be an integral part of management of patients with clinical suspicion of bowel obstruction and gastrointestinal perforation.