Frontiers in public health
Front Public Health · Jan 2021
Prospects of COVID-19 Vaccination in Romania: Challenges and Potential Solutions.
The rapid advancement in vaccine development represents a critical milestone that will help humanity tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the success of these efforts is not guaranteed, as it relies on the outcomes of national and international vaccination strategies. ⋯ The ways in which Romanian society will respond to a national COVID-19 vaccination campaign will be contingent on appropriate and timely actions. As many of the problems encountered in Romania are not unique, the proposed recommendations could be adapted and implemented in other countries that face similar issues, thereby informing better practices in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Front Public Health · Jan 2021
Barriers Influencing Vaccine Development Timelines, Identification, Causal Analysis, and Prioritization of Key Barriers by KOLs in General and Covid-19 Vaccine R&D.
A frequently mentioned factor holding back the introduction of new vaccines on the market are their prohibitively long development timelines. These hamper their potential societal benefit and impairs the ability to quickly respond to emerging new pathogens. This is especially worrisome since new pathogens are emerging at all-time high rates of over one per year, and many age-old pathogens are still not vaccine preventable. ⋯ Of highest impact on Covid-19 vaccine development, are lack of knowledge concerning pathogen target, high risk of upscaling unlicensed vaccines, and proof of principle not meeting late-stage requirements. In conclusion, the current study demonstrates that barriers hampering timelines in vaccine development are present across the Vaccine Innovation Cycle. Prioritizing the impact of barriers in general, and in Covid-19 vaccine development, shows clear differences that can be used to inform policies to speed up development in both war and peace time.
Front Public Health · Jan 2021
Meta AnalysisThe Effects of Aspirin With Combined Compound Danshen Dropping Pills on Hemorheology and Blood Lipids in Middle-Aged and Elderly Patients With CHD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the most common diseases in clinical cardiovascular practice, mainly afflicting the middle-aged and elderly. It will greatly affect elderly quality of life, and even affect their psychological and physical health. At present, CHD is treated with western drugs alone, but this can produce drug dependency. ⋯ The Egger test and Begg test showed that publication bias did not occur in our study. Conclusions: The combination of compound dropping pill DSP with aspirin has some therapeutic effect on blood lipids and hemorheology in patients with CHD, ince some of the RCTs featured a very small sample size, the reliability and validity of our study's conclusion may have been affected as well; therefore, the explanation should be treated with some caution. In the future, a large number of higher-quality RCTs are still needed to confirm the results of our study.
Front Public Health · Jan 2021
ReviewBeirut Ammonium Nitrate Blast: Analysis, Review, and Recommendations.
A massive chemical detonation occurred on August 4, 2020 in the Port of Beirut, Lebanon. An uncontrolled fire in an adjacent warehouse ignited ~2,750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate (AN), producing one of the most devastating blasts in recent history. The blast supersonic pressure and heat wave claimed the lives of 220 people and injured more than 6,500 instantaneously, with severe damage to the nearby dense residential and commercial areas. ⋯ It further reviews prior AN incidents and suggests actionable recommendations and strategies to optimize chemical safety measures, improve emergency preparedness, and mitigate the delayed clinical effects of blast and toxic gas exposures. These recommended actionable steps offer a starting point for government officials and policymakers to build frameworks, adopt regulations, and implement chemical safety protocols to ensure safe storage of hazardous materials as well as reorganizing healthcare system disaster preparedness to improve emergency preparedness in response to similar large-scale disasters and promote population safety. Future clinical efforts should involve detailed assessment of physical injuries sustained by blast victims, with systemic mitigation and possible treatment of late blast effects involving individuals, communities and the region at large.
Front Public Health · Jan 2021
The Psychological Status of General Population in Hubei Province During the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study.
Introduction: The current outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), originating from Wuhan (Hubei, China), has rapidly spread across China and several other countries. During the outbreak of COVID-19, mental health of the general population in Hubei province may be affected. This study aimed to assess the psychological status and associated risk factors of the general population in Hubei province during the COVID-19 outbreak. ⋯ Moreover, a higher score in active coping style (OR = 0.96, 95% CI = 0.95-0.97, P < 0.001; OR = 0.94, 95% CI = 0.93-0.94, P < 0.001; OR = 0.95, 95% CI = 0.94-0.96, P < 0.001) was associated with a lower risk of symptoms of PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Conclusions: During the midphase of COVID-19 outbreak, quite a few people have mental health problems; nearly half of the respondents rated symptoms of PTSD, and approximately one-fifth reported moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and depression. Our findings may lead to better comprehend the psychological status of the general public and alleviate the public mental health crisis during the COVID-19 outbreak.