Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete
On the basis of a casuistics is referred to the infrequent tracheobronchomegaly with disturbed respiratory mechanics (tracheal collapse) and relapsing bronchitides due to a congenital or acquired loss of elasticity of trachea and main bronchi. Bronchoscopy and bronchography ascertain the diagnosis which may be supposed already on the full-size X-ray by the demonstration of an abnormally wide trachea. The conservative therapy of the in most cases mucopurulent bronchitis for the purpose of the prevention of a global respiratory insufficiency apart from mucolytics often demands the application of antibiotics. In individual cases the prognosis may be improved by stabilizing operative corrections of the trachea and the resection treatment of accompanying bronchiectases.