Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete
On the basis of a casuistics is referred to the infrequent tracheobronchomegaly with disturbed respiratory mechanics (tracheal collapse) and relapsing bronchitides due to a congenital or acquired loss of elasticity of trachea and main bronchi. Bronchoscopy and bronchography ascertain the diagnosis which may be supposed already on the full-size X-ray by the demonstration of an abnormally wide trachea. The conservative therapy of the in most cases mucopurulent bronchitis for the purpose of the prevention of a global respiratory insufficiency apart from mucolytics often demands the application of antibiotics. In individual cases the prognosis may be improved by stabilizing operative corrections of the trachea and the resection treatment of accompanying bronchiectases.
Biography Historical Article
[Berolina iubilans: Berlin physicians as Halle doctoral candidates (VI). Curt Schimmelbusch (1860-1895), Halle doctoral candidate of 1886].
The history of asepsis is closely connected with the name of Curt Schimmelbusch. The physician who was awarded the doctor's degree in Halle in 1886 as co-worker of the histologist and pathologist Eberth at first dealt with research in the field of thrombosis. He became famous all over the world by his investigations concerning the development and scientific fundamentation of mechanical sterilisation methods which he performed under Ernst von Bergmann in Berlin. In this field the name of Curt Schimmelbusch is rooted in the special terminology.
Haemorheological investigations in 73 male patients with chronic disturbances of the arterial blood supply of the lower extremities and 54 male non-insulin-requiring (type-II-) diabetics with and without micro- and macroangiopathy resulted in significant changes of the flow properties of the blood in contrast to 20 comparable clinically healthy males. In all groups of patients a clear increase of the aggregation of erythrocytes and the viscosity of plasma as well as a decrease of the deformability of erythrocytes were to be proved. ⋯ The decreased fluidity of blood may lead to the development of further enlargement of disturbances of microcirculation. Therefore, haemorheological viewpoints should be included into the total diagnostic and therapeutic concept of the arterial obstructive disease and the diabetes mellitus.
Biography Historical Article
[Ars medica Anhaltina (III): the Anhalt Hahnemann interpretation and the Köthen Homeopathic Institute].
In the years between 1821 and 1835 the domiciliation of Samuel Hahnemann in Köthen induces a consolidation of the homoeopathy in the district of the Anhalt territories. By dynastic order hereby the existing medical laws concerning the self-dispensing of the physicians are cancelled. ⋯ The fight against homoeopathy permanently remains on the programme of the scholastic medicine, which certainly appeals to existing laws, but cannot prevent the development of a prospering business with homoeopathy. The reconstruction of these events became possible by the preserved documents.
Historical Article
[275 years of Halle's drug exporting establishment].
The forwarding of medicaments in Halle stands in the first place in the early history of the pharmaceutic industry. The enterprise established in the years 1708/1709 worked according to economic points of view seeming modern and occupied temporarily a central position in the export business of drugs. It reached its culmination point in the second half of the 18th century. In the 19th century the export business was fused with the still nowadays existing Waisenhaus druggist 's shop in Halle.