Journal of National Black Nurses' Association : JNBNA
J Natl Black Nurses Assoc · Dec 2003
Quality of care in African-American communities and the nursing shortage.
The National Black Nurses Foundation commissioned a research project to determine the effect of the nursing shortage on African-American communities. The W. K. ⋯ The study suggests the need for further research at the community level in addition to acute care settings to ameliorate the potential adverse effects of nursing work force shortages on the health of African-American communities. Further research examining the effectiveness of interventions at increasing the supply, improving the retention of nurses at all levels and the effect of increased supply and the utilization of nurses in African-American communities should be conducted. The study reported in this edition of the Journal of the National Black Nurses Association is the first in a series of reports on the nursing shortage and its effect on access to care, the recruitment and retention of ethnic nurses in the pipeline and leadership and policy strategies required to assure the availability of a qualified work force to meet current and future health care demand.