Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses
Pain in cognitively impaired nursing home (NH) elders is difficult to detect. We report the results of the qualitative interview portion of a larger study that characterized the pain experience of cognitively impaired NH residents. Interviews were conducted with 16 family members or friends and 11 certified nursing assistants (CNAs) of 20 cognitively impaired NH residents experiencing pain. ⋯ In addition, CNAs reported specific pain management strategies for their residents. Major themes related to pain detection in cognitively impaired NH residents identified in this investigation include: (a) knowing the resident; (b) importance of family input about previous pain behaviors in knowing the resident; (c) CNA reliance on face and eye cues for pain detection, particularly with residents who were nonverbal; and (d) the prevalence of pain with caregiving activities. Information from multiple sources can improve pain management strategies for cognitively impaired NH residents.