Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses
Nurses play a pivotal role in pain observation in people living with dementia. However, currently, there is little understanding of the influence culture may have on the way nurses observe pain experienced by people living with dementia. ⋯ There is a limited understanding of the role of culture on nurses' pain observations. However, nurses take a multifaceted approach to observing pain using behaviors, information from carers, pain assessment tools, and their knowledge, experience, and intuition.
Review Meta Analysis
Effect of Pain Education Interventions on Registered Nurses' Pain Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
This review and meta-analysis aims to reveal how pain education interventions affect registered nurses' pain management. ⋯ Pain education study strategies varied widely among the included articles. These articles used multivariate interventions without systematization or sufficient opportunity to transfer the study protocols. It can be concluded that versatile pain nursing education interventions, as well as auditing of pain nursing and its documentation combined with feedback, can be effective to nurses in adapting pain management and assessment practices and increasing patient satisfaction. However, further research is required in this regard. In addition, well-designed, implemented, and reproducible evidence-based pain education intervention is required in the future.
Review Meta Analysis
Effect of Pain Education Interventions on Registered Nurses' Pain Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
This review and meta-analysis aims to reveal how pain education interventions affect registered nurses' pain management. ⋯ Pain education study strategies varied widely among the included articles. These articles used multivariate interventions without systematization or sufficient opportunity to transfer the study protocols. It can be concluded that versatile pain nursing education interventions, as well as auditing of pain nursing and its documentation combined with feedback, can be effective to nurses in adapting pain management and assessment practices and increasing patient satisfaction. However, further research is required in this regard. In addition, well-designed, implemented, and reproducible evidence-based pain education intervention is required in the future.
The Validity of Vital Signs for Pain Assessment in critically Ill Adults: A Narrative Review.
Pain assessment in the intensive care unit (ICU) is challenging because many patients are unable to self-report or exhibit pain-related behaviors. In such situations, vital signs (VS) through continuous monitoring are alternative cues for pain assessment. This review aimed to describe the reliability and validity of VS for ICU pain assessment. ⋯ VS are not valid indicators for ICU pain assessment. Increases of respiratory rate may be a cue for the detection of pain. However, fluctuations in respiratory rate can be influenced by opioids or controlled ventilation mode. Our results dissuade the use of VS for pain assessment because of the lack of association with ICU pain reference standards. Other physiologic measures of pain in critically ill adults should be explored.
The aim of this review is to describe the effects of analgesics on sleep. ⋯ Sleep quality may be adversely affected by a variety of medications used in clinical practice, including those used in analgesic indications. The class of analgesics most affecting sleep quality are opioids.