Histoire des sciences médicales
The Trench Foot was described during the Napoleon's wars but its clinical picture dates from 1915. As a result of soldiers' life in trenches, it was recognized as a neurological, circulatory and infectious disease which struck thousands of fighters (chiefly French and English). ⋯ More than 200 papers were published about the Trench Foot and the numerous individual inventions to protect the soldier's foot from mud, rain, cold and compression. As this issue is found in most testimonies of the fighters that proves it was a real and further suffering in the trenches.
Historical Article
[Mysteries of the Bourges mummy, an paleopathologic survey].
Discovered in 1908 in a lead coffin conserved in a stone sarcophagus, the mummy of the "fin Renard" (Bourges, France), was immediately identified as that of a gallo-roman child. The circumstances of his death as the extraordinary conservation of this body were the object of many conclusions related to contemporeanous medico-historical knowledge and limited by partial investigation potentiality. The application of the most actual paleopathological methods and techniques permitted a more precise observation of this unique but surprising French specimen. However, after many radiographic, scannographic, fibroscopic and microscopic studies, the little mummy conserves many of its mysteries...