Neurorehabilitation and neural repair
Neurorehabil Neural Repair · Sep 2012
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyBotulinum toxin injection for hypertonicity of the upper extremity within 12 weeks after stroke: a randomized controlled trial.
Botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT-A) reduces upper-extremity poststroke spasticity when given 6 or more months after stroke. Effects on functional use of the arm and hand are less apparent. ⋯ A total of 163 patients were enrolled and assigned to placebo (n = 83) or BoNT-A (n = 80). Mean time since stroke was about 7 weeks. At 4 weeks postinjection, BoNT-A significantly improved MAS scores. Treatment effect-size estimates increased with higher baseline MAS scores from 0.45 (Q1) to 0.70 (Q3). MAS scores for all secondary end points improved with BoNT-A versus placebo at all time points (P < .0001, all visits). The Functional Motor Assessment Scale did not reveal clinically significant differences. No group differences in adverse events were found. Interpretation. BoNT-A 500 U can provide a sustained reduction in poststroke upper-limb spasticity when combined with rehabilitation in Asian patients who have mild-to-moderate hypertonicity and voluntary movement, within 2 -12 weeks of stroke. Functional use of the arm and hand was not affected.
Neurorehabil Neural Repair · Sep 2012
Comparative StudyUse of zinc as a treatment for traumatic brain injury in the rat: effects on cognitive and behavioral outcomes.
While treatments for the behavioral deficits associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are currently limited, animal models suggest that zinc supplementation may increase resilience to TBI. ⋯ These data suggest that zinc supplementation may be an effective treatment option for improving behavioral deficits such as cognitive impairment and depression following TBI.
Neurorehabil Neural Repair · Sep 2012
Comparative StudyHerpes simplex virus vector-mediated expression of interleukin-10 reduces below-level central neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury.
Neuroimmune activation in the spinal dorsal horn plays an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic pain after peripheral nerve injury. ⋯ Below-level pain after SCI is characterized by neuroimmune activation (increase mTNFα and astrocyte activation). Blunting of the neuroimmune response by HSV-mediated delivery of IL-10 reduced pain-related behaviors, and may represent a potential novel therapeutic agent.
Neurorehabil Neural Repair · Sep 2012
Comparative StudyA perfusion fMRI study of the neural correlates of sustained-attention and working-memory deficits in chronic traumatic brain injury.
Given that traumatic brain injury (TBI) results in chronic alteration of baseline cerebral perfusion, a perfusion functional MRI (fMRI) method that dissociates resting- and task-related cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes can be useful in noninvasively investigating the neural correlates of cognitive dysfunction and recovery in TBI. ⋯ ASL perfusion fMRI demonstrated differences between individuals with TBI and healthy controls in resting perfusion and in task-evoked CBF changes as well as different patterns of performance-activation correlation. These results are consistent with the notion that sensory/attentional modulation deficits contribute to higher cognitive dysfunction in TBI.