Revista de chirurgie, oncologie, radiologie, o.r.l., oftalmologie, stomatologie. Chirurgie
Oesophageal temperature was recorded after induction of anesthesia, and further, at one, two and three hours. Temperature in the operation hall was continuously monitored. ⋯ Thermal falls of less than 0.5 degrees C will also determine chills but in only 10.5% of the cases. Immediate postanesthesia chills are also recorded in normothermic patients, but there is a direct relationship between the temperature in the operating hall, the degree of hypothermia and the frequency of chills, while the site of the surgery or the duration of the operation have but an unsignificant influence on intra-anesthetic temperature.
Rev Chir Oncol Radiol O R L Oftalmol Stomatol Chir · Jul 1989
Case Reports[Hemorrhagic juxtapapillary duodenal ulcer with choledochal and Wirsung's duct stenosis and duodenojejunal fistula following biliojejunal en-Y diversion. The surgical solution].
The paper reports on the clinical observation of a patient with bulbar duodenal ulcer placed in a juxtapapillary position due to a short bile duct, complicated with choledochal and Wirsung's stenosis and, finally haemorrhage and duodenojejunal fistula favoured by a gallbladder-jejunum diversion assembly. Three major surgeries, during 17 years, were required: cholecystectomy and choledochoduodenostomy for the choledochal stenosis induced by penetrating posterior bulbar ulcer; after 8 years, choledocholithotomy and gallbladder-jejunum derivation the loop in Y, (Roux) for the choledochoduodenostomy stenosis with the local lithiasis of the CBP; after 9 years, the resection of the proximal segment of the anastomosed jejunal loop with CBP and gastric resection with ulcer exeresis, followed by restoration of the gallbladder-jejunum anastomosis, gastrojejunal anastomosis and reimplantation of Wirsung's duct in the duodenal stump for juxtapapillary duodenal ulcer complicated with haemorrhage, penetration into pancreas, perforation in the jejunal loop anastomosed preduodenally and stenosis of Wirsung's duct. The final therapeutic result is good and lasts in time. The paper discusses the duodenum-gallbladder-pancreas interrelationships in the juxtapapillary ulcers, drawing the attention on the possibility of forming a duodenojejunal fistula in the patients with gallbladder-jejunum derivations.
Rev Chir Oncol Radiol O R L Oftalmol Stomatol Chir · Jul 1989
Case Reports[Perforating ulcer of Meckel's diverticulum].
The author presents a case of perforating ulcer of Meckel's diverticulum, with secondary generalized peritonitis in a young patient, admitted and operated for acute appendicitis. The therapy used is described and several semeiologic characteristics of the evolution and treatment of the case presented are discussed.
Rev Chir Oncol Radiol O R L Oftalmol Stomatol Chir · May 1989
Case Reports[Traumatic lesions of the upper extremity from shooting oneself with a bolt gun].
Seven clinical observations are presented, illustrating the great diversity of traumatic lesions of the upper limb resulting from accidental self-shooting with bolt pistol. Although such accidents are rare a series of therapeutical attitudes, sometimes quite complex, are described.