Pain medicine : the official journal of the American Academy of Pain Medicine
Opioid analgesics are the drugs of choice for the treatment of moderate to severe acute and cancer pain. Although their role in the management of chronic pain not related to cancer is controversial, there is increasing evidence for their benefit in certain patient populations. ⋯ Wisconsin physicians who responded to this survey held many misconceptions about the prescribing of opioids. Such views, coupled with a lack of knowledge about laws and regulations governing the prescribing of controlled substances, may result in inadequate prescribing of opioids with resultant inadequate management of pain.
Palliative sedation (sedation to unconsciousness) as an option of last resort for intractable end-of-life distress has been the subject of ongoing discussion and debate as well as policy formulation. A particularly contentious issue has been whether some dying patients experience a form of intractable suffering not marked by physical symptoms that can reasonably be characterized as "existential" in nature and therefore not an acceptable indication for palliative sedation. Such is the position recently taken by the American Medical Association. In this essay we argue that such a stance reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of human suffering, particularly at the end of life, and may deprive some dying patients of an effective means of relieving their intractable terminal distress.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Safety and Efficacy of Dietary Agmatine Sulfate in Lumbar Disc-associated Radiculopathy. An Open-label, Dose-escalating Study Followed by a Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial.
Objective. Agmatine, decarboxylated arginine, was shown in preclinical studies to exert efficacious neuroprotection by interacting with multiple molecular targets. This study was designed to ascertain safety and efficacy of dietary agmatine sulfate in herniated lumbar disc-associated radiculopathy. ⋯ Dietary agmatine sulfate is safe and efficacious treatment for alleviating pain and improving quality of life in lumbar disc-associated radiculopathy. Study Registration. Protocol Registration System Identifier: NCT00405041.
To examine the predictive value of physician's prognosis after patient's first visit to a pain specialty clinic. ⋯ Physician's pessimistic evaluation of patient's prognosis after the first visit was longitudinally associated with an increase in depression and in the affective dimension of pain over time, but not with changes in the sensory component of pain. Referring to physician pessimism as a marker for pre-depressed patient may lead to early preventive interventions.