Pain medicine : the official journal of the American Academy of Pain Medicine
Letter Case Reports
A Technical Report of Robot-Assisted Stereotactic Percutaneous Rhizotomy.
Randomized Controlled Trial
A Preliminary Examination of the Comparative Efficacy of Intravenous vs Oral Acetaminophen in the Treatment of Perioperative Pain.
The management of postoperative pain is a major health care issue. While the cost of intravenous acetaminophen (IVA) is significantly greater than its oral acetaminophen (OA) counterpart, less is known regarding comparative effectiveness of these routes. The purpose of this study was to determine whether perioperative IVA is equivalent in reducing postoperative pain compared with perioperative OA for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LapChole). ⋯ The results show no evidence of differences between IVA or OA in pain or opioid consumption among a sample of patients undergoing LapChole. Due to low sample size, these descriptive findings warrant larger studies, which may have a significant economic impact.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Comparison of the Acute Effect of Radial Shock Wave Therapy and Ultrasound Therapy in the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Controlled Study.
This study compared the effectiveness of radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy (r-ESWT) with ultrasound (US) therapy in the treatment of plantar fasciitis (PF). ⋯ All groups and particularly the r-ESWT and US groups' symptoms were decreased after treatment. However; FFI parameters were reduced more in the US groups than the other two groups, the ankle proprioception sense increased in the r-ESWT group, and there was no change in the other groups.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Prevalence of Neuropathic Pain in Patients with Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury: A Multicenter Prospective Hospital-Based Study.
Prevalence and clinical characteristics of neuropathic pain due to traumatic brachial plexus injury. ⋯ Our study provides information on the prevalence, characteristics, and variables associated with neuropathic pain due to traumatic brachial plexus injuries that might provide a basis for improving the clinical management of this condition.
The operant theory of chronic pain and related research suggest pain-related solicitous support promotes disability. The current study investigated the hypotheses that solicitous support is positively associated with both disability and relationship satisfaction and that these relationships are moderated by the level of desire for this type of support. ⋯ The findings suggest the influence of pain-related support is more complex than suggested by the operant conditioning model of chronic pain, which emphasizes the possible detrimental impact of solicitous support. Further research is warranted regarding the potential relationship enhancing effects of solicitous support and the influence of encouragement on disability experienced by those with chronic pain.