Pain medicine : the official journal of the American Academy of Pain Medicine
Randomized Controlled Trial
Central Sensitization Is Modulated Following Trigger Point Anesthetization in Patients with Chronic Pain from Whiplash Trauma. A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study.
Central sensitization (CS) with low peripheral pain thresholds (PPTs) is a common finding among patients with chronic pain after whiplash (CPWI). While it has been proposed that myofascial myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) may act as modulators of central sensitization, previously reported findings are conflicting and inconclusive. The present study was designed to investigate immediate responsiveness of CS to alterations in nociceptive input. ⋯ CS, as expressed by lowered PPT, is a rapidly adjusting physiological response to nociceptive stimuli in some patients with chronic pain after whiplash. PPT are likely modulated by myofascial tender points in selected patients with CS. With reference to the present findings, surgical ablation of MTrPs is discussed as a potential treatment modality for CS.
Letter Case Reports
Improvement in CRPS After Deep Dry Needling Suggests a Role in Myofascial Pain.
Randomized Controlled Trial Observational Study
Clinical and Economic Long-Term Treatment Outcome of Children and Adolescents with Disabling Chronic Pain.
Disabling pediatric chronic pain is accompanied by a significant burden to those affected and by high societal costs. Furthermore, it bears the risk of aggravation into adulthood. Studies have shown intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment to result in short-term positive effects on pain-related and psychological outcomes. In this study, we aimed to prove the stability of the long-term effects of intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment four years after treatment. ⋯ The results of this study support the long-term effectiveness of intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment and indicate that it can interrupt pain chronification. Future research is warranted to investigate why some of the adolescents did not show improvement and to allow for a more individualized treatment.
To explore whether plasma inflammatory mediators on postoperative day 3 (POD3) are associated with pain scores in older adults after hip fracture surgery. ⋯ These findings suggest that TNF-α and its receptors may influence pain following hip fracture. Further study of the TNF-α pathway may inform future clinical applications that monitor and treat pain in the vulnerable elderly who are unable to accurately report pain.
Rib fractures are present in more than 150,000 patients admitted to US trauma centers each year. Those who fracture two or more ribs are typically treated with oral analgesic drugs and are discharged with few complications. The cost of this care generally reflects its brevity. When a patient fractures three or more ribs, there is an elevated risk of complication. In response, treatments are often broadened and their durations prolonged; this affects cost. While health, function, and survival have been widely explored, patient billing has not. Thus, we evaluated the financial implications of one mode of treatment for patients with rib fractures: thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA). ⋯ Patients who received TEA were more severely injured and required longer treatments; controlling for these variables, the use of TEA associated with reductions in the cost of receiving care. From an administrative and insurance perspective, more frequent reliance on TEA may be indicated.