Pain medicine : the official journal of the American Academy of Pain Medicine
Objective Chronic pain and opioid management are challenging in primary care, especially for trainees with discontinuous ambulatory schedules and less practice experience. The study objective was to improve adherence to quality metrics and office visit utilization in a resident clinic. Design Before-after quality improvement intervention over two Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles. ⋯ Conclusions Quality improvement interventions can improve adherence to quality measures and clinic utilization. A critical role is served by midlevel nursing providers to provide continuity to patients and trainees. Teaching clinics need to develop sustainable systems of care to moderate quality assurance in opioid prescribing.
In response to the national opioid crisis, governmental and medical organizations have called for broader insurance coverage of acupuncture to improve access to nonpharmacologic pain therapies, especially in cancer populations, where undertreatment of pain is prevalent. We evaluated whether cancer patients would be willing to use insurance-covered acupuncture for pain. ⋯ Approximately one in two cancer patients was willing to use insurance-covered acupuncture for pain. Willingness was influenced by patients' attitudes and beliefs, which are potentially modifiable through counseling and education. Further research on racial disparities is needed to close the gap in utilization as acupuncture is integrated into insurance plans in response to the opioid crisis.
To describe the development of a virtual reality (VR) treatment for phantom limb pain (PLP) and phantom sensations and provide feasibility data from testing the treatment in a population of veterans. ⋯ This feasibility study of a novel VR intervention for PLP was practical and was associated with significant reductions in PLP intensity and phantom sensations. Our findings support continued research in VR-based treatments in PLP, with a need for direct comparisons between VR and more established PLP treatments.
In Korea, patients diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) in the army are typically discharged from the army; however, the course of the disease after discharge is not known. The purpose of this study was to investigate the course of CRPS that occurred in the army and to identify the influences of various clinical and psychosocial factors immediately before discharge on the disease course. ⋯ Patients who experienced a short period of pain in the military demonstrated a relatively good prognosis after discharge. This may show how prolonged pain in the army could affect the experience of pain from a social point of view, in that it shows the disease course after a change in the social environment.
Studies have shown a relationship between insulin resistance (IR) and migraine that is more evident in some migraineurs. Long-term use of various drugs and increased risk of diverse side effects is an unavoidable reality in this population of patients. Thus, in this study, we aimed to investigate factors associated with IR in migraine and the impact of chronic usage of various drugs, which might play a part in development of IR. ⋯ Our study demonstrates an association between metoclopramide and NSAID treatments and IR in migraine.