Trauma monthly
Isolated small gut mesentery injury after blunt abdominal trauma from the steering wheel in road traffic accidents is rare. These are always challenging to diagnose and pose a diagnostic dilemma. ⋯ Isolated small mesentery injury after blunt abdominal trauma from the steering wheel in road traffic accidents is rare. Tears are either longitudinal or transverse. Suture repair is to be done. Delay in reaching hospital or reaching the diagnosis could lead to morbidity and mortality. Isolated mesenteric injury should be considered in any patient with blunt abdominal trauma from steering wheel injury with no evidence of any solid organ injury in unstable patients.
Procedural sedation in children continues to be a problem in the emergency department (ED). Midazolam is the first water-soluble benzodiazepine and it has been widely used for procedural sedation in pediatric patients. ⋯ Midazolam is an effective and relatively safe sedative for pediatric patients in the ED. The patient should be observed closely and monitored for psychological and hemodynamic side effects.
Inguinal hernia is one of the most common male diseases all over the world with an incidence rate of 18-24% throughout life. Chronic inguinal pain is one of the complications that prolong return to work time. ⋯ Ilioinguinal nerve excision at the time of inguinal hernia repair decreased post-surgical inguinal pain, and it can be used as a routine method in herniorrhaphy.
Pain in infancy is a developmental process. Due to the underdeveloped pain pathways in the spinal cord, the threshold of stimulation and sensation of pain is low at birth and has potential impacts on increasing the central effects of pain. Primary trauma during infancy can cause long term changes in structure and function of pain pathways that continue until adulthood. Lack of pain management in children can result in morbidity and mortality. ⋯ We concluded that addition of clonidine to bupivacaine prolongs the duration of post-operative analgesia without any respiratory or hemodynamic side-effects.
Advances in the care of burn injuries have resulted from the efforts of regional patient-based specialist teams at burn care centers. ⋯ Due to high prevalence of burn injuries in Iran, increasing the level of awareness of the society as well as adhering to safety procedures both at home and workplace is recommended via implementing effective national safety policies.