Trauma monthly
Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) assess patients during early phases of deterioration to reduce patient morbidity and mortality. ⋯ The RRT was able to detect preventable adverse events and reduce the mortality and incidence of unexpected cardiac arrests.
The overcrowded hospital is an unsafe one. Overcrowding the emergency department (ED) results in increased patient suffering, prolonged waiting time, deteriorating level of service, and on occasion, a worsened medical condition or even death. ⋯ Decreased number of acute area admitted patients, and increase W/A proportion showed that the initiative was successful in obviating ED overcrowding while provision of care to those most in need was not altered.
One of the most important goals of health care organizations is measuring and improving the quality of health care and reduction of adverse events. ⋯ In conclusion, our study demonstrated that surgery team members comply moderately to the WHO surgery safety checklist in Iran. Iranian health care providers need to show more adherence to some items of the checklist compared to their previous routine.
In modern life, the incidence of traumatic injuries increases daily. In accidents which lead to trauma, massive bleeding is the main cause of death. Nowadays, many different chemical and herbal agents are available for quick control of bleeding. ⋯ In this study, it seems that activity of "Quikclot" in cessation of bleeding of large arterial vessels was slightly better than "Chitohem". Due to limitations which we had in this study, further studies are necessary to show the actual differences between these agents and their side effects.
The intra-osseous (IO) route serves as an appropriate venous access site if access is needed in an emergency. ⋯ Our study demonstrated that there was no significant difference between the time taken for MB to reach the central circulation via IO or IV routes.