The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society
Observational Study
Development and Validation of a Daily Pain Catastrophizing Scale.
To date, there is no validated measure for pain catastrophizing at the daily level. The Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) is widely used to measure trait pain catastrophizing. We sought to develop and validate a brief, daily version of the PCS for use in daily diary studies to facilitate research on mechanisms of catastrophizing treatment, individual differences in self-regulation, and to reveal the nuanced relationships between catastrophizing, correlates, and pain outcomes. After adapting the PCS for daily use, we evaluated the resulting 14 items using 3 rounds of cognitive interviews with 30 adults with chronic pain. We refined and tested the final daily PCS in 3 independent, prospective, cross-sectional, observational validation studies conducted in a combined total of 519 adults with chronic pain who completed online measures daily for 14 consecutive days. For study 1 (N = 131), exploratory factor analysis revealed adequate fit and-unexpectedly-unidimensionality for item responses to the daily PCS. Study 2 (N = 177) correlations indicated adequate association with related constructs (anger, anxiety, pain intensity, depression). Similarly, results for study 3 (N = 211) revealed expected correlations for daily PCS and measures of daily constructs including physical activity, sleep, energy level, and positive affect. Results from complex/multilevel confirmatory factor analysis confirmed good fit to a unidimensional model. Scores on the daily PCS were statistically comparable with and more parsimonious than the full 14-item version. Next steps include evaluation of score validity in populations with medical diagnoses, greater demographic diversity, and in patients with acute pain. ⋯ This article describes the development and validation of a daily PCS. This daily measure may facilitate research that aims to characterize pain mechanisms, individual differences in self-regulation, adaptation, and nuanced relationships between catastrophizing, correlates, and pain outcomes.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
OPRM1 Methylation Contributes to Opioid Tolerance in Cancer Patients.
Cancer patients in pain require high doses of opioids and quickly become opioid-tolerant. Previous studies have shown that chronic cancer pain as well as high-dose opioid use lead to mu-opioid receptor downregulation. In this study we explore downregulation of the mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1), as a mechanism for opioid tolerance in the setting of opioid use for cancer pain. ⋯ We focus on 2 main cells within the cancer microenvironment: the cancer cell and the neuron. We show that targeted re-expression of mu-opioid receptor on cancer cells inhibits mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity, and prevents opioid tolerance, in the mouse model. The resultant analgesia and protection against opioid tolerance are likely due to preservation of mu-opioid receptor expression on the cancer-associated neurons.
Comparative Study
Age differences in the time-course and magnitude of changes in circulating neuropeptides following pain evocation in humans.
This study tested the hypothesis that older adults would have a stronger response for substance P (facilitatory) but weaker response to β-endorphin (inhibitory), in magnitude as well as time course. Eight younger and 9 older adults underwent 3 experimental sessions using well validated laboratory pain models: cold pressor task, contact heat pain, and a nonpainful control. Blood was collected through an indwelling catheter at baseline and 3, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes after stimuli administration. Older adults had higher baseline levels of both neuropeptides suggesting increased peripheral activity compared with younger adults. After the cold pressor task, older adults demonstrated a quick and strong release of substance P with dramatic recovery, whereas young adults maintained a constant low-grade response. Unlike substance P, β-endorphin increased between 3 and 15 minutes for both groups with the upsurge substantially higher for older adults. After heat pain, younger adults had an immediate surge in circulating substance P and β-endorphin that was more pronounced than among older adults. However, levels of substance P for younger adults slowly tapered whereas they continued to climb for the older adults through 30 minutes. β-endorphin peaked at 30 minutes for both groups and returned to baseline. No changes were observed during the nonpainful control session. ⋯ Older adults had higher baseline levels of substance P and β-endorphin suggesting increased peripheral activity compared with younger adults. After pain evocation, older adults demonstrated a more intense early response for both neuropeptides suggesting peripheral mechanisms involved in the response to pain may change with age.
Placebo analgesia, reductions in pain after administration of an inert treatment, is a well documented phenomenon. We report, to our knowledge, the first demonstration that placebo analgesia can be experienced when a sham analgesic is applied onto a rubber hand. ⋯ During synchronous visuotactile stimulation, pain was experienced on the rubber arm, and the application of the sham analgesic to the rubber arm significantly decreased the severity of reported pain. This shows that experience of the body can modulate expectations and the induction of placebo analgesia.
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is a functionally and structurally heterogeneous region and a key node of several brain networks, implicated in cognitive, affective, and sensory processing. As such, the DLPFC is commonly activated in experimental pain studies, and shows abnormally increased function in chronic pain populations. Furthermore, several studies have shown that some chronic pains are associated with decreased left DLPFC gray matter and that successful interventions can reverse this structural abnormality. In addition, studies have indicated that noninvasive stimulation of the left DLPFC effectively treats some chronic pains. In this article, we review the neuroimaging literature regarding the role of the DLPFC and its potential as a therapeutic target for chronic pain conditions, including studies showing the involvement of the DLPFC in encoding and modulating acute pain and studies demonstrating the reversal of DLPFC functional and structural abnormalities after successful interventions for chronic pain. We also review studies of noninvasive brain stimulation of the DLPFC showing acute pain modulation and some effectiveness as a treatment for certain chronic pain conditions. We further discuss the network architecture of the DLPFC, and postulate mechanisms by which DLPFC stimulation alleviates chronic pain. Future work testing these mechanisms will allow for more effective therapies. ⋯ The structure and function of the DLPFC is abnormal in some chronic pain conditions. Upon successful resolution of pain, these abnormalities are reversed. Understanding the underlying mechanisms and the role of this region can lead to the development of an effective therapeutic target for some chronic pain conditions.