The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society
With the advent of platinum and taxane compounds used as single agents or in combination regimens, survival rates for some of the most common cancers have improved substantially. However, information on differences in the chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) phenotype among single and combination regimens is limited. Study's purposes were to evaluate for differences in demographic and clinical characteristics; subjective and objective measures of CIPN; as well as the severity of common symptoms and quality of life among survivors who received platinum- (n = 95), taxane- (n = 200), or platinum and taxane-containing (n = 131) regimens. ⋯ These findings support the hypothesis that CIPN induced by different classes of chemotherapy, as single agents or in combination, produce a similar CIPN phenotype which raises the possibility that CIPN induced by diverse chemotherapy protocols has the same underlying mechanism. PERSPECTIVE: In this study, that compared patients who received only platinum, only taxane, or both platinum and taxane containing regimens, no differences were found among the 3 groups in the CIPN phenotype. Findings raise the possibility that CIPN induced by diverse chemotherapy protocols has the same underlying mechanism.
Pain has been established as a major public health problem in the United States (U. S.) with 50 million adults experiencing chronic pain and 20 million afflicted with high-impact chronic pain (ie, chronic pain that interferes with life or work activities). High financial and social costs are associated with chronic pain. ⋯ We consider case definitions, severity, anatomic site, and varieties of chronic pain management strategies in reviewing and evaluating national surveys for chronic pain surveillance. Based on the criteria evaluated, the National Health Interview Survey offers the best single source for pain surveillance as the pain-related questions administered are brief, valid, and cover a broad scope of pain-related phenomena. PERSPECTIVE: This review article describes data sources that can be leveraged to conduct national chronic pain surveillance in the United States, explores case defining or pain-related questions administered, and evaluates them against 8 surveillance attributes.
Three categories of pain mechanisms are recognized as contributing to pain perception: nociceptive, neuropathic, and nociplastic (ie, central nervous system augmented pain processing). We use validated questionnaires to identify pain mechanisms in Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (UCCPS) patients (n = 568, female = 378, male = 190) taking part in the Symptom Patterns Study of the Multidisciplinary Approach to the study of chronic Pelvic Pain Research Network. A cutoff score of 12 on the painDETECT questionnaire (-1 to 38) was used to classify patients into the neuropathic category while the median score of 7 on the fibromyalgia survey criteria (0-31) was used to classify patients into the nociplastic category. ⋯ A self-report method classifying individuals on pain mechanisms reveals clinical differences that could inform clinical trials and novel targets for treatment. PERSPECTIVE: This article presents differences in clinical characteristics based on a simple self-report method of classifying pain mechanisms for Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome patients. This method can be easily applied to other chronic pain conditions and may be useful for exploring pathophysiology in pain subtypes.
Neural systems play important roles in the functions of acupuncture. But the unclear structure and mechanism of acupoints hinder acupuncture standardization and cause the acupuncture effects to be varying or even paradoxical. It has been broadly assumed that the efficacy of acupuncture depends on the biological signals triggered at acupoints and passed up along neural systems. ⋯ Further, we found that 4 types of adenosine receptors were all expressed by ST36 DRG neurons, and A1, A2b, and A3 receptors were the principal reactors to adenosine. PERSPECTIVE: This study provides the major characteristics of ST36 DRG neurons, which will help to analyze the neural pathway of acupuncture signals. At the same time, these findings could provide a new possible therapy for pain relief, such as injecting adenosine or corresponding agonists into acupoints.
Developing a greater understanding of the social and environmental factors that are related to differential outcomes for individuals who experience persistent pain and disability is important for achieving health equity. In this study, we aimed to develop insights into the role of the social determinants of health (SDH) in care experiences and health status for socio-economically disadvantaged adults who experience persistent low back pain or persistent pain following spinal cord injury. Our objectives were to investigate 1) relationships between the SDH and health outcomes, 2) care experiences, and 3) perceived barriers and facilitators to optimal pain care. ⋯ The findings of our study can importantly inform endeavors to improve equity of pain care for adults with low back pain or spinal cord injury and persistent pain. PERSPECTIVE: This study illustrates the complex interplay between adverse social determinants of health and poorer health status for adults with persistent pain and provides evidence to support the important role of social isolation. Developing an understanding of the life-contexts of those seeking care is a vital step towards addressing health inequities.