The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society
Opioid prescribing remains common despite known overdose-related harms. Less is known about links to nonoverdose morbidity. We determined the association between prescribed opioid receipt with incident cardiovascular disease (CVD) using data from the Veterans Aging Cohort Study, a national prospective cohort of Veterans with/without Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) receiving Veterans Health Administration care. ⋯ PERSPECTIVE: In a propensity score weighted analysis of Veterans Administration data, prescribed opioids compared to no opioids were associated with an increased hazard of incident CVD. Higher opioid doses compared with lower doses were associated with increased hazard of incident CVD. Opioids are a potentially modifiable CVD risk factor.
Research on myofascial temporomandibular disorder (mTMD) has often focused on potential dysfunction in endogenous pain modulation. However, studies on the specific inhibitory and facilitatory components of endogenous pain modulation using conditioned pain modulation (CPM) and temporal summation of second pain (TSSP) have shown mixed results. This study aimed to 1) examine whether women with mTMD demonstrated efficient CPM compared to controls; 2) explore the association between independent measures of CPM and TSSP in women with mTMD relative to controls; and 3) determine whether resulting modulatory profiles differentially predicted pain intensity among cases. ⋯ This study does not support deficient inhibitory endogenous pain modulation in mTMD, but results suggest that inhibitory and facilitatory pain modulation should be examined concomitantly in the study of endogenous pain modulation. PERSPECTIVE: This manuscript presents a novel examination of inhibitory modulation by the level of facilitatory modulation in mTMD. The findings and approach may prove useful for mechanistic researchers studying endogenous pain modulation and clinical researchers seeking to jointly examine conditioned pain modulation and temporal summation in future research on chronic pain.
The molecular processes driving the transition from acute to chronic low back pain (LBP) remain poorly understood and are likely to be sexually dimorphic. This study aimed to explore sex differences in the serum proteomic profile of people experiencing an acute LBP episode and determine if serum protein concentrations were associated with three-month outcome. Serum samples were collected through venepuncture from 30 female and 29 male participants experiencing an acute LBP episode. ⋯ This data provides preliminary evidence that biological processes during an acute LBP episode may contribute to the resolution, or persistence, of LBP symptoms at 3 months, however, these processes differ between males and females. PERSPECTIVE: Differential expression of serum proteins was observed between male and female participants during an acute LBP episode. This preliminary work provides a foundation for future research targeting distinct immune system processes in males and females that may interfere with the transition from acute to chronic LBP.
Research documents racial disparities in chronic low back pain (CLBP). Few studies have examined racial disparities in movement-related appraisals and no studies have examined anticipatory appraisals prior to or pain behaviors during functional activities among individuals with CLBP. This cross-sectional study examined racial differences in anticipatory appraisals of pain, concerns about harm, and anxiety, appraisals of pain and anxiety during movement, and observed pain behaviors during 3 activities of daily living (supine-to-standing bed task, sitting-to-standing chair task, floor-to-waist lifting task) in a sample (N = 126) of non-Hispanic Black (31.0%), Hispanic (30.2%), and non-Hispanic White (38.9%) individuals with CLBP. ⋯ Results indicate a need to revisit traditional theoretical and treatment models in CLBP, ensuring racial disparities in pain cognitions are considered. PERSPECTIVE: This study examined racial disparities in anticipatory and movement-related appraisals, and pain behaviors during activities of daily living among Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic White, and Hispanic individuals with CLBP. Racial disparities identified in the current study have potentially important theoretical implications surrounding cognitive-behavioral and fear-avoidance mechanisms of pain.