Clinical breast cancer
Clinical breast cancer · Feb 2003
Bone pain associated with once-per-cycle pegfilgrastim is similar to daily filgrastim in patients with breast cancer.
Bone pain is a common side effect of treatment with filgrastim. Pegfilgrastim is a pegylated long-acting analogue of filgrastim that is administered once per chemotherapy cycle. The profile of prospectively defined, patient-reported bone pain judged by the investigators as related to study drug was analyzed retrospectively for each drug using data from two comparable phase III trials. ⋯ Among patients with bone pain, a trend towards earlier onset with pegfilgrastim was observed but was not associated with increased bone pain severity or duration. In patients who received a fixed 6-mg dose of pegfilgrastim, the overall bone pain incidence was similar when analyzed by body weight (< 60 kg, 60-100 kg, > 100 kg). No patients were withdrawn from either study for bone pain.