Clinical breast cancer
Clinical breast cancer · Oct 2016
Practice Patterns of Radiation Field Design for Sentinel Lymph Node-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer.
Recent randomized trials have led to decreased use of completion axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in early-stage breast cancer patients with a positive sentinel lymph node (SLN), causing controversy surrounding radiotherapy coverage of the axilla. We investigated the practice variation among radiation oncologists for regional nodal coverage for clinicopathologic scenarios and evaluated axillary field design decision-making processes. ⋯ In SLN biopsy-positive early-stage breast cancer with omission of completion ALND, axillary RT is increasing used to cover the undissected axilla. Most respondents use SCF or AX for patients with low to intermediate pathologic features. Online prediction nomograms are used by a few practitioners to assist in clinical decision-making in this setting.