International journal of hygiene and environmental health
Int J Hyg Environ Health · Aug 2018
Characterising glyphosate exposures among amenity horticulturists using multiple spot urine samples.
Glyphosate has recently received much public attention following its 'Group 2A - probably carcinogenic to humans' classification from the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Despite the widespread use of glyphosate, there is limited data on potential exposures during common occupational uses. ⋯ Occupational exposures to glyphosate among amenity horticulturalists are greater than those reported in environmental studies and comparable with previously reported agricultural studies. A suitable sampling strategy for occupational exposures to glyphosate is the collection of a spot urine sample up to 3 h after completing the application of a glyphosate based pesticide product, which provides a reliable marker of peak exposure.